Chapter 2

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"Ring, ring, ring" my phone screamed to wake me up.
I yawned, not wanting to get up. I looked at the clock and it was six thirty. So I had thirty minutes to get ready. I layed black cargo pants with a chain gagging off of them. I grabbed a cute crop top with black checkers and a cute mushroom frog on the back. I threw on an oversized zip up jacket but left it open.
I hurried up and threw on all the clothes and put my hair in a claw clip.
I checked my phone to see the time and saw a missed call. I thought that it might be ash here trying to say sorry for what he said last night. I unlocked my phone and saw that it was from Ollie, not ash. That was a surprise. Normally he comes Back to say sorry. He's lost I guess.
I grabbed my skateboard and my backpack, double checking making sure that I had everything.
I went to the kitchen to grab a piece of toast. While I was waiting for the toast to be finished tossing I went onto snapchat and saw the message that Ollie sent.
"Heyyyyy<3," he texted.
"Hey Ollie!" I replied while hoping for a quick answer.
"Hey, do you ride your skateboard to school?" He asked.
"Yeah unless it's raining I normally do." I replied. "Why do you ask?"
" I was just wondering. By the way, I am excited for our date on Saturday!" He said.
"Oh about that I have a boy..." I tried to say before deleting it and said yeah me too!
"Swish!" That was the toast I scarfed while putting on my black air force ones. I headed out the door and once again did an Ollie on the stairs and into the road. I began gliding down the hill taking out my hair clip to feel the wind brush through my scalp.
As I pulled up the school grounds I stepped up onto the ledge as my skateboard popped up and landed perfectly in my hands.
I saw Ollie when I looked up, giving a little smile and a wave that completely melted my heart. I felt my heart flutter like it turned into a bunch of butterflies.
I gave a little smile and an excited wave. He reacted like he thought that I would have forgotten him even though we were talking like five minutes ago over text. I thought that it was cute how he reacted.
I began moving on foot in front of the other to where he was standing. I didn't realize it until I was about one foot in front of him.
"Hey," he said softly. I felt my face begin to heat up.
"Hey" I said while moving a piece of my long black hair out of my face.
We gazed into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes. Except it only felt like seconds. All I wanted was for us to lean in and kiss already!
"You two love birds classes starting soon so hurry up with the mushy stuff already!" said Ally, a girl in my third class period.
It took Ollie another's thirty seconds to break eye contact.
"Alright-alright!" We both said at the same time.
"Well, I guess I Will see you in my next class." Ollie said with a devastating sigh.
"I guess so," I said with a sad tone.
We walked into the campus and split up to find our lockers. Once I reached mine I quickly took the stuff that I needed and began walking to my classroom. I looked back at my period sheet because I didn't really remember anything from yesterday. Oh yah. Math class is my first period.
"Ring, ring, ring." Oh no that was the second bell I am going to be late.
I sprinted as fast as I could down the halls to room 8. Room 4, 6, 7, 8. I took a quick turn to see that only half of the class was there so far. Huff! I said as I sat down next to Ollie.
"Ummmm did you run from the zombies or something?" Ollie said jokingly.
"Obviously, I was totally running from a pack of zombies! Definitely not about to be late to my class." I said sarcastically.
"Obviously, anyways have you heard that we are going to be doing a big project in this class. It's kind of weird though because it has like nothing to do with the chapter in our math books that we are working on." He said.
"Don't be a baby, it's probably easy." I said I was trying to be cool but I don't think it worked.
"Hello class. Welcome back to the ever forest high. Today we are going to be talking about our first school project. It is called a road trip, so everybody will be chiding their groups of three to four. Tomorrow we will be discussing it more but today you're just going to be finding your team and looking through the slides. Alright, good luck and be smart about your team choice!" Said Mrs gilchrist.
Oliver and I shared a look already desiring that we had to be in the same group. We had only met yesterday but it felt like I have known him my entire life. He just made me feel really comfortable and safe. He was the light at the end of what I would think was a dark tunnel. No one has ever made me feel like this, not even ash.
"DANG IT!!" I said not meaning for it to be out loud.
" Ivy! Do you want to Explain in front of the whole class why you just yelled in the middle of nowhere?"Mrs Gilchrist said, surprised that the new student just yelled in front of her.
" I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I stubbed my toe on the side of the desk." I said knowing that I was lying.
I was just upset that I am still dating Ash and he disrespected me. I think I like Ollie and I need to break up with ash but I don't know how. If I just say I wanna break up he literally will start to cry and I don't want to have to deal with that. I know I can't just date a guy out of pity's just hard not too!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh this is freaking hard man. I swear man if I knew dating ash would be this difficult I would have never dated that little sad sad boy. That sounds better.
No ivy you can't get mad at ash it is not your fault that you fell out of love with ash and into love with Ollie. Oh my god ollie!! Why do I keep doing that? I zoned out again. Dang it knows he's gonna think I am mentally unstable. Jesus why me dude.
"Alright class now you may find the members for your group." Stated Mrs gilchrist.
Okay I am pretty sure that ollie will end up explaining everything to me.
I forgot to stand up and walk over to Ollie's desk. I managed to zone out again and when I was snapped back to reality I saw ollie on the other side of my desk giving me the slightest smirk with his big puppy eyes I swooned over.
"Hey," I whispered, beginning to blush at the sight of him starring.
"Heyyyyy" he said, giving a slight giggle to mock the freshmen. It was cute but he just embarrassed himself.
I broke out into uncontrollable laughter until my eyes filled with tears.
"Ivy. Ivy? Ivy?! He said, trying to get me to breathe again.
" You're stupid ollie," I said, rolling my eyes but still laughing.
Ollie and I held eye contact it
Felt like we were the only people in the whole world at that moment.
When we broke eye contact I looked around and saw the whole class of thirty students and all staring at us with a teasing smile. Ollie noticed too but was completely unaffected by their taunting stares and returned to my gaze. Normally ash would run to the liberty embarrassed to be seen with me. But I looked into Ollie's eyes knowing that he would never do anything to hurt me. Anything to harm me at all.
I want to break up with ash. No, I am GOING to break up with Ash. I deserve someone better, someone like Ollie. I think I love Ollie and it might be too soon. I can't help who I love though.
As I returned back to reality once again. I gazed into his brown eyes wanting to dive in as if it's a pool and never come back up for air. I want to run my fingers through his brown hair.
I lower my head onto my hands to be leveled with his gaze.
"Hey Ivy, after school do you want to go see a movie?" He whispered calmly but cutely.
" Of course," I whispered back with a teasing smile.
He cutely lifted his fist as if he had just won a battle in medieval times. I followed his lead.
"Ring, ring, ring." The pesky bell rang once again rushing an amazing moment.
"Pesky bell! Well I will meet you at the gates after school?" Ollie said.
"I'll be there!" I said while standing up from my desk Ollie followed my lead.
"Bye-bye" we spoke at the same time.
I was hesitant but I gave him a quick hug and then ran out of the classroom blushing wildly. As I was walking to my next class I started thinking about the fact that I literally have no friends right now. Except for Ava but she lives an hour away and she's probably mad that I canceled our plans and didn't tell her why.
Man let's just get through the day. Our at least till lunch. I mean that's all I need for food right now.
I began to regain consciousness and the first thing I saw was one girl and then the next thing I knew we were on the ground and a bunch of papers followed.
"I am so sorry." I heard a female voice speak.
I look up to see a girl with dark curly hair in two bins and glasses. She was wearing black shorts and a mushroom shirt. Similar to my style.
"Don't be, I'm lost in my thoughts." I replied with a smile.
"That's funny I am actually lost, on that note do you know we're class 1a is?" She said while handing me her dare of the papers that were on the floor.
" That's my next class! English, right?" I asked.
"Ummmmm... actually yes it is." She said with a kind smile.
" I would be happy to take you there if you would like?" I offered.
"I would love that, but if you don't mind I kinda have to use the bathroom." She said with a giggle following her words.
"I will be happy to take you there as well!"
I picked up the last piece of paper from the floor and handed it to her. I offered my hand toward her as if it were an invitation. She reached for my hand and I had begun walking to the bathroom.
"By the way, what is your name?"
" oh yeah I forgot that I had a name for a second, my name is lily. What's yours?"
"My name is Ivy! Are you new or have you been here for a while?"
"Oh today is my first day. What about you?" Lily questioned.
" I started yesterday."
"Well you sure know the place well for someone who just started Ivy."
" I have a friend here that showed me around." I said while my face began to go bright red.
"Gasp!! Who is he or her? I don't mind either way but whoooo!!!" She said with excitement in her voice. We were already at the doors as I looked around and pushed the doors open.
"His name is Oliver! And don't get me started
He has the sweetest smile and the cutest personality." I said swooning over him.
" OMG really. Gasp!! Tell me more!!!
""Oh my god he is just a Greek god like he has cute brownish blackish hair. I don't know much about his history so I am probably gonna ask him about it. Gasp! Omg i almost forgot to tell you he asked me to teach him how to skateboard and i said yes and we agreed on saturday. And he was alllike "well its date then"." I said squealing with excitement.
"Mhm , okay that was a lot of information! So let me get this straight you are attracted to a total hottie named Oliver and he set up a skateboarding date!! Oh my ivy you're so crazy.
My face began to change from a smile to a frown. I looked up at her shamefully.
" You know calling you crazy was a joke right!" she thought it was her fault should i tell her that i acutull;y have a boyfriend and ollie didn't know that. Should I tell her that ash and i got into a fight after metollie and it was about not answering the phone. Imagine how mad he was then. He was pretty mad that one time one hundred if I broke up with him or ended up timing him.
"No it's not that I know how to take a joke, it's just that..."
"Ring! Ring! Ring!" the bell interrupted me. I don't think I have ever been so happy with my heart.
"Come on, we're going to be late. I will tell you over the phone." I said trying to shrug it off, lily grabbed my arm once again and began walking to english. I grabbed a papertowal out of my pocket and quickly wrote my number on it and put it in her fist as she was struggling to keep up with my long legs.
"Call me when you get home will be there next to my phone.'' I said as I threw the door open and walked in the classroom claiming two of the seats next to each other in the back of the classroom. We were there just in time when the teacher didn't pay much attention to us not being there right when the bell rang. She paid more attention to a few of the boys in our class that were still in the halls laughing and cracking jokes.
" Are you sure that I didn't hurt your feelings? I don't want to lose my first friend at this school!" she said innocently, too innocent to get caught up in my teenage drama. Although we were the same age she might not understand and start judging me. I don't want to lose my first girlfriend at this school. I can't even talk to Ava, my old best friend, about this because she would definitely tell Ash before I could . She would probably even stop talking to me, so I have been trying to avoid her as much as possible. I know that is bad but I am trying to protect Ash and myself. Although it would be nice to talk to somebody about this, I'm sure that lily will help me break up with him before the date. Okay it's settled i have to tell i am promising that i am going to tell her.
" no of course not and a joke would never end anything.I know we just met today but it feels like i have known you my whole life. And I don't want anyone to overhear us. I promise you that I will tell you once you call me. Okay?
"Okay!" Lily said as a smile of relief washed across her face.
I smiled as she looked back at her work. We were just learning about Nathaniel hawthorne. He was my favorite poet in seventh grade so I already knew everything about him. I have always been on top of my studies my whole life. I have never fallen behind. Plus it was also really easy so I would take mywork home and do it there so I could use school to organize my thoughts so going into school was somewhat helpful for me.
"Ring! Ring" the bells and i was madly back the hating that pestring nose. I rather listen to a million iphone alarms than this stupid bell.
It was lunch time and I had been taking Lilly around the school so she wouldn't get lost again. Once we were at the lunch tables she spotted a boy sitting by himselfwaving me over.
"Lily?" she said, trying to keep her composer. " Is that the hottie you were talking about?"
My eyes followed the trail that her index finger had created for me. My face grew so red that I looked like I could be an airhead.
"Gasp!! It is him isn't you weren't kidding he is a hottie and... omg he wants to sit with you. I will try to find myself a boy toy while you're at it. I want to give you privacy!" she said, winking as she slipped away. I saw her eyes scan the room while I made my way toward ollie. She looked like a mountain lion searching for her next target. I sat across from ollie so I could look into his beautiful blue ocean eyes.
"Hey!" he said with a voice crack. He covered his mouth and began turning red once he saw my mouth fall open.
"Did you just-" i tried to say before i started laughing crazy once he saw that i didn't really care he joined me
"Hey!" I said back to him after five minutes.
"Yeah let's pretend that that didn't happen."
"Tsk tsk tsk that's going to be pretty hard, i mean like i don't think that is forgetful at all.'' I said jokingly. He started to laugh again.
"I mean i wasn't going to point it out before but" he lent in making me nervous and he whispered in my ear a whisper that i could feel throughout my whole body. I quietly gasped wishing that he wouldn't have heard me. " Do you want to talk about how you knocked all those papers out of the poor girl's hand because of your silly clumness." a shiver shout went through my spine and my face turned red once again.
" Stalker! Are you stalking me?" I said with an accusing tone.
" define stalker?"
"Mmm I don't know someone who follows you and watches carefully.'' I said hoping that he wasn't planning on killing me. No he wouldn't. I just watch too many crime shows.
"Then yes i guess i am stalking you then." he gave a smile that rescued my fears his eyes said more than his words he just wanted to make sure i was safe on my sectioned day of school, a look of genuine concern. I knew that I could trust him.
"How dare you! I can't believe you think i am that clumsy.'' I said throwing my hand over my chest like I had been deeply offended.
"Well you did kinda run into the new girl while your head was up and were fully aware. You also stubbed your toe a couple of times yesterday. Oh yeah you also yelled in front of the whole class for no reason at all." ollie had come up with a whole dang list of times I embarrassed myself or had gotten hurt.
" Well look at you were a mess yesterday. Your face was literally a tomato and you couldn't look me in the eyes for five seconds straight. You were a total nerd and now you're cool and confident. Gasp! Do you have like a personality disorder or something." i said trying to get back at him for roasting me.
"What can i say you dazzled me yesterday after watching you fall a couple of times i was able to gain confidence."
"Wow," I said.
" what!" he said like he had said something wrong.
" so you wanted to be able to make sure that i wasent to cool so you had to stalk me to raise your self esteem. Wow just wow!'
"Is that a bad thing?"
" No not really, I'm pretty sure that everyone does that. I mean even I dazzle myself when I look in the mirror." i said jokingly
"Ring! Ring! ring! " the bell had struck once again, making a groan forced out of my lips. Before I knew it, ollie had stood in front of me, razing my chin and leaning in.
"Well I can see why you dazzle everyone who crosses your path." he whispered into my ear, making my face grow red. I had felt every one of his words like hot tea down your throat while you were sick. Ashiver went down my spine as he moved toward my face. I had expected him to at least give me a small kiss. But all he did was look into my eyes and give me the most warm kid and gentil smile. It's almost as his smile that could sing to me a lullaby to fall asleep on a stormy night as if it could hug me when i am so much pain and tell that everything will be okay. I was instantly hit by it as if it were a drug and iwanted more suckmuch more. He continued to stare into my eyes as if he were proving to me that he could stare atthemso much longer than five seconds. As we heard a group of boys throwing their trash into the trash cans and yelling as if they had just made the winning shot in the world cup. It took a few more seconds to break are gaze he stood tall and whispered,
"Goodbye ivy," he said as if he dreaded those words as much as i did.i did not respond to him because i was processing what in the world had just happened. Lily came up with a big smile,she saw what has just happened and i had the stupidest grin on my face.
"Oh my gosh ivy!! Your Going to have to tell me everything that just happened. What's Your Next class?" she asked.
"Um... i believe that is is fitness.'' I was still lost in my thoughts even though my mouth knew what to say. I can't believe Oliver was so different today then he was yesterday. He was shy and a little bit insecure, but now he is confident and he is playing with my feelings like a cat playing with a rat. I like this ollie. I don't even know if ollie would suit this side of him. But the way he stared at me with hunger filled eyes and when heleanedin to whisper to me he had got so close to me that i could feel his hot breath wrapped around my neck like a hug.
" Wait you're kidding, that's my next class too! Today we supposed to walk laps this girl emma told me." she said interrupting my train of thought. I wasac tullyhappy that we had the next class together so that I could tell her everything that was happening.
"Well then what are we waiting for i have so much tea to tell you! Oh and you better tell me you found someone who got it?"I said knowing that she had found someone based on the way she looked at me with a smile after I had mentioned.
"Okay , letsgo and we'll talk on the way there too! Oh my gosh okay you better tell me everything that happened.
"Okay,so yesterday ollie was kind of shy and nerviousand it was hard for him to look me in the yees right. Well guess what he was stalking me today he knew every time i fell every time i stubbed my toe! Literally knew every step I walked. Also when he said hi to me historic cracked it cracked lily! I was laughing so hard you wouldn't believe how funny it was."
"Omg!! It did your kidding. Okay what was it like the rest of the time?" she asked as my face began turning red.
"Well, he asked me to about it and of course i said no and then he leaned in very close to me and whispered in my ear about how i ran into you and that cause the whole stalker conversion, and then i told him that yesterday he couldn't even stare at me for over five seconds, and then when the bell rung he stood up and was like 1 inch away from my face and he just stood there for a couple of minutes and stared at me. He had a smirk on his face like he was trying to prove me wrong. And then he did the whisper thing again and I kid you not I literally felt it throughout my whole body. It sent shivers down my spine. I know that this is probably the cornyest thing you have ever heard."I said maybe it was an overwhelming lily but the way her face was, a smile ear to ear and her eyes filled with surprise and excitement.
"Oh, my, GOD!! Ivy you're joking he is totally into you!! Ookay i think that was already established with the date on saturday but still. He might be a player so just protect yourself from that type of injury but I think that he will be fine." she said. I wonder if that is something I should worry about, should I put up walls or should I embrace him and his presents. But Lily was right, it might be something that I have to work on.
"Okay it's your turn, did you make any new friends or did you meet somebody?" I said while winking at her.
"Okay so i didn't meet anybody that i liked but i met people that like me. Sadly you took the only cute one. If only I was here a day before you." she said jokingly at least i hope she shot a quick wink. "I met this girl named Emma and she is pretty nice but she is all about the gossip and she was dropping names like they were trash. I also met this one girl named isabella and she is sooo pretty! She is nice too and you normally don't get that type of mix. I have a feeling that she has some sort of secret." lily said
The rest of the day went on just like it was any other day which it was. I hung out with Lily a lot but I wasn't able to see ollie the rest of the day. He might've been stalking me again and I just didn't see him. I almost forgot all about ash. But I just remembered that I have to tell Lily but I am going to ask for help. Maybe we live close by so we can meet up tonight or she can come over or i can come over. I don't really know but it will work out it always will. At least i hope. The rest of the school day was just another day to organize my thoughts.
Before i knew i was riding my skateboard home

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