Chapter 2

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Oddly enough, I've made my piece with Brian. He's not that bad once you get to know him, and I'm just over the resentment. I'd like to say the same for Mia, but I can't. She doesn't make it easy to move on from the extreme annoyance she provokes in me. It's not even resentment or anger; she just annoys the hell out of me. At this point, I don't even think she minds or cares about that fact. I am starting to think she enjoys annoying me, so I highly enjoy ignoring her. Childish from both of us, I know, but ignoring her seems to be the lesser of evils.

"Oh, Vince and Elena are here. You didn't tell me anyone else would be here." Mia says when she walks in.

"Hey Vince, how was Brazil?" Brian asked, leaning in to kiss Elena's cheek.

Mia looked annoyed at the ease with which Brian spoke to everyone, and I remained unbothered on the outside, but on the inside, I was smiling.

"It was good, but I was ready to be gone as soon as I got there." Vince says with ease.

"Hey Des." Brian smiles as he kisses my cheek. "How are you feeling, momma?"

"Feeling good, morning sickness is kicking my ass, but other than that, all is good." I smiled.

"I haven't gotten any morning sickness in a while now." Mia said, and I rolled my eyes internally.

"Lucky you, me and the toilet have a very close relationship now." I replied, turning towards my brother.

He just rubbed my arm and shook his head at me softly. It's not worth it, I know, it's not worth it. I have to grow the hell up.

"Do you all have names for the babies yet?" Elena asked, always the pacifist.

"We're waiting to see what we have." I smiled, looking at Dom.

"Jack for a boy and Milena for a girl." Brian said, making Mia glare at him.

"I thought we were going to wait." she said.

"Just last night, you said you couldn't wait to tell everyone." He said, forever ignoring her bullshit now.

"Do you have a nursery theme yet?" I asked, trying to keep the peace.

"Not yet." Mia said quickly, daring Brian to contradict her.

"We have ideas but nothing concrete." he smiled, kissing her temple, and some of that acid she'd been spewing melted.

"What about you? Ideas?" Elena asked.

"Neither of us is feeling a theme right now, more of a neutral color palette, but we'll see how we feel the closer it gets to the due date." Dom said, making me smile.

He's been so involved with everything—and I do mean everything—related to planning for the arrival of our first baby. It makes me happy to see him fuss with nursery things or get excited over baby clothes when we go out. Dominic Toretto is going to be an amazing father, and I do not doubt that.

"So, baby, what are you grilling today?" I asked, my stomach grumbling.

"I took out some stuff, there's a fruit salad in the fridge for anyone who wants it, but fair warning, it's mostly fruit Tiny's been craving." he smiled, pressing his hand to my growing stomach.

"What fruit?" Mia asked.

"Mango, oranges, watermelon, grapes, Honeycrisp apples, and just a touch of sweetened condensed milk. It's fucking delicious, and I want some now." I smiled.

"Let's go."

"That sounds really good." Elena said.

"I'll take some." Mia added.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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