Chapter 1

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"Here you go." I take out my perfectly printed CV hand hand it to the manager of the small corner shop just a few blocks down from my house. I smile boldly at the middle aged woman standing before me. She has tuffs of grey hair sticking carelessly out of the sides of her head and spouting out from her roots. The bags under her dark eyes suggests that she hasn't had a good nights sleep in forever.

"Thank you dear, I'll read it over and get back to you." She flashes me a yellow toothy grin which to be honest makes me vomit in my mouth a little.

"I appreciate it." I quickly nod before disappearing out of the shop into the almost empty street. I know it's England but oh my god is it cold for September.

I'm saving up to try and not live off of my parents money and after getting fired from two of my pervious jobs due to 'downsizing' this small corner shop is my last hope.

I finally make it to school with twenty extra minutes to spare so I decide to quickly run up to my dorm room and get a jacket. The thing about being at a boarding school is that if you are late you literally have no excuse.

I open the door to my room, which hasn't been locked, so I'm guessing that either someone's broken in or one of the girls is running a little late.

"Arden! You are just the person I needed to see!" My roommate Lane frantically runs over to me and grabs each of my shoulders tightly.

"What? Where's Devon?" I ask referring to our third roommate who was definitely here when I left this morning.

"She left because she was apparently 'done with my shit'? I mean what a great friend." She sarcastically remarks and continues to search for something.

"What are you even looking for?" I'm so going to be late for class now, I shouldn't have bothered coming upstairs.

"I've lost my home- never mind." She innocently smiles at me holding up a piece of crumbled up and torn paper which I'm guessing is the 'missing' homework.

"Let's just get to class." I roll my eyes and quickly grab my black leather jacket out of the wardrobe.

The bell rings just as we step foot in Mr Hamilton's English class.

"Lucky, one second later and that would have been lunchtime detention." He kindly reminds us of the rules that have been in place for the whole 5 years we have been here.

"Sorry sir." We both say in unison whilst scurrying off to our tables at the back of the classroom.

"Okay so do we have the full class now, great." He smirks and fills in the register on the computer.

"Right so for our first novel this year, we will be studying......" He rambles on about an 'old classic' or something while I stare out of the window at the building across the quad. Hawking School for Boys. Funnily enough I go to Hawking School for Girls which as you can guess is an all girls school. The boys and girls have different buildings for academics and living space but we share the same out of class facilities like the lunch hall, the gardens and the lounge area if you get what I mean. At least it means I can concentrate in class without some hot private school boy sitting right in front of me.

"Arden?" Me Hamilton's voice drags me out of my daydream and turns my attention on the fact that I have no clue what the hell he just asked.

"Could you please repeat the question sir?" I ask politely to avoid an after school detention with him.

"Did you read any good books over the summer?" He repeats with gritted teeth.

"No, I don't really read sir." I reply honestly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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