pool day

911 22 11

Ayanakoji. Pov

Our group split into 2 as we went into our separate changing rooms the men and women as I was entering I could feel karuisawas eyes on me she was clearly still suspicious of me.

I entered the the changing room cutting off her gaze I opened a locker and put my belongings inside before taking off my shirt.

The Changing room grew silent as the other boys started at my body in awe there eyes drilled into me as I undressed eventually I finished and walked out.

I was greeted with the sun as I entered the pool area the pools were filled students From every grade level and class I looked behind me to see how group exit except for karuisawa.

It seems my plans are moving forward with great hast I walked towards the pool as many girls and boys looked at my body.

It was strang having this much attention especially from the girls at this rate I might start showing off but then my thoughts were cut off.

"Hey ayanakoji" Sudo shouted as he ran over to me "who knew you were so toned what work outs do you do?"

Sudo had started asking about my body I had to shut him down "nothing much just basic workouts"

"Bullshit" he replied in a playful manner

"Yea I have to agree with Sudo your body is quite developed" hirata joined in on the investigation

"Yea even hirata agrees" Sudo said

"Fine il tell you the truth is that I do a lot of martial arts and advanced training but I stopped when I joined this school"

"Oh you should of mentioned that during your introduction" hirata gave me some advice

"Yea dude I would of been your friend strait away" Sudo remarked

It seems this is what friend ship is I didn't know if I liked it or not I guess it wasn't the worst thing my thoughts were once again cut off by ichinose shouting out "who wants to play some sports"

I looked in her direction and heared from a couple boys "looks like balls won't be the only thing bouncing" someone said rich was kinda disturbing.

I walked over to our group wich now was have gone as some seperated the people the were left were Ike Sudo hirata horkita Yamauchi ichinose and kanzaki (tell me if you like horkita or not because. I might tear her apart mentally)

We all headed to the volleyball court and started placing teams

Team 1

Teams 2

We started playing and after a bit of playing Ike ran off to the changing rooms for some reason he was swiftly followed by Yamauchi I'm guessing there plan in failing.

I looked towards the other team and Sudo looked worried and that supports my suspicions about the plan failing.

We continued playing untill team 1 stop.tge victory it's was 6-7 I glanced behind me to see an annoyed horkita.

"Why are you holding back"

"Cause I can"

"If you say so"

She was really a bitch after all even after saving her from her prescous oni-chan she was still acting like this.

My eyes drifted from horikita to someone exiting the changing rooms it was karuisawa she was wearing a swimsuit and a jumper for some reason.

I left the court and our group played in the pools for a long while eventually I was seated at the edge of the pool and a foot tapped my back.

I looked over my shoulder to see karuisawa ste has a bit of an annoyed look on her face.

"I got rid of the cameras"

"Good job looks like I owe you one"

"Yea you do I lost a whole day of our summer because of you"

"Would you rather I didn't tell you?"


"Exactly this could of torn our class apart"

"Yea your right .... Thanks"

"No problem"

".... So ayanakoji why didn't you ask for horkitas help?"

"Because we're on bad terms and plus she's a bit of a bitch"

"Yea I guess she is"

Karuisawa sat down next to me

"Karuisawa why are you Wareing a jumper?"

"No reason it's just getting cold"

"I guess so"

It wasn't that cold I'm pretty sure she hiding something or she doesn't want boys to see her body due to today's events

"Ayanakoji I noticed your body is pretty impressive"

"Yea I guess so"

"What workouts do you do"

At this point I was annoyed with the attention so I stood up and said my catchfrase "who knows" I walked away.

I had successfully saved our class once again and figured out karuisawa she would be useful in the future.

End of chapter

(For everyone reading I won't be including a decent amount of cannon and characters people that won't be this story for example wmwill be Sakura and the rest of ayanakoji group and for must if the other classes it will only be a couple people mainly cause this will eventually have 🍋 also this story is mostly plot not 🍋 so take that in mind)

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