Shitpost Male!OC

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Noah Kanker:

H/C: Brown

E/C: Gray

H/A: Usually band-aids or bandages

Sexuality/Flags: He's pansexual and is a demiboy

Pronouns: He/him and They/them

Hobbies: He likes to draw and bake the most, sometimes he'll skate down the road in roller-skates alongside Kevin who rides a bike.

Likes: Soft food, sweets, baking, drawings, markers, pencils, crayons, stuffed animals and etc.

Dislikes: Harassment, rapists, sexists, toxic people, burnt food, he doesn't know what else.


Nazz: In her perspective, he's just a guy looking out for others.

Kevin: He sees Noah as a clumsy idiot whose way to nice but tolerates him since he gives free snacks.

Jimmy: He likes to arrange playdates for their two stuffed animals, Mr. Yum Yum the rabbit and Patches the Bear. He also enjoys baking together.

Jonny: Likes how Noah believes him and Plank, he sees Noah as someone who won't ridicule him. He also says Plank doesn't find him weird.

Rolf: Appreciates the help Noah offers and shares his cow's milk with him.

Ed: Ed sees him as a younger brother, a very nice younger brother. Enjoys Noah's comfort and the 3D cream sculptures on his hot cocoa that he gets.

Edd: Enjoys the ideas Noah is always creating, even if Noah is a bit dense, he was still smarter than others. Very much thankful for how many times he didn't tell his sisters if he's seen them, mainly because of his begging. He also doesn't want to tell Noah about what his sisters do, since he doesn't want him to be anymore lonely.

Eddy: Appreciates how Noah gives him money even if he's a jerk, usually doesn't scam him in return. Also silently praying for him to stop the Kankers from harassing them every single night.

Sarah: Usually sees him in the kitchen with Ed, watching him comfort and make 3D cream sculptures on hot cocoa for Ed. Questions his motives but shrugs it off since he's friendly.

May: Loves him with her life, he makes her mango cakes and is the friendliest towards her. She's always the first to stop harassing the Eds to go to Noah, so she doesn't get found out and hated by him.

Marie: Likes to give him noogies and play games with him. She does get upset whenever he interrupts them from playing with the Eds, but reluctantly agrees to follow her sisters back since she doesn't want him to know what they do.

Lee: Tries her best to support Noah whenever he leaves to go hangout with the Eds. She is upset about being able to harass them less but is genuinely happy Noah finally has more friends.

Sisters/Lee+Marie+May: They felt guilty when he asked why people were avoiding him when he said his last name, this took place when he first moved in. The sisters didn't want to tell him why, worrying that he'll hate them and become more isolated. However, they found out he became friends with their playthings, which made them a bit upset but were happy that he was happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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