Part 8

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Zayn’s POV

I have a feeling it’s gonna be a long week, but it’s so worth it. ‘What was that about?’ Eddy said looking down at me some weird way. ‘What was what about?’ I said, trying to pull of a face to make sure it shows i wasn’t lying. ‘You and Leja? Since when did someone like you go out with someone like her?’ ‘Hey, that “her” you’re talking about happens to be my girlfriend so don’t make fun’ I shut my locker making a loud noise and walked off to class without them. That’ll show ‘em. Meh.. I can’t get a girl like her? 

I wasn’t focusing in my math class, as usual, all the teacher says in some crap that we’ll never use in our lives, so why bother? I turned to my right to see Leja staring at me, when she noticed i was looking at her, she smiled and looked away. I suddenly think she’s cute now. She might not be my type, but she’s pretty damn cute for people who aren’t my type. That didn’t make any sense, but to me it does. It’s been weird, the only thing i think about is when am i gonna see Leja, when I’m gonna talk to her, when I’m gonna feel her kiss again. 

“Fake” Kiss. 

I can’t like her, i shouldn’t like her, and i will not allow my self to like her. I fall hard, and this chick ain’t holding back. I can get better girls, i kept saying repeatedly in my head trying to convince myself that she’s just another girl. 

She’s not worth it. 

She’s just another girl. 

She’s a loser.

She doesn’t care about anything.

She’s just pretending. 

She has no feelings.

She doesn’t have a good reputation. 

She’s not my type.

She’s not popular. 

She can’t do anything right. 

She’s a klutz.

She’s stupid.

She’s a weirdo. 

She’s a crybaby.

She’s not worth my time. 

She’s not what i wanna be seen with.

She doesn’t have what i like in a girl. 

She hates my guts. 

But she’s everything i want right now.

I couldn’t help myself from thinking about that, It’s been 4 hours and I’m thinking about her non-stop, i wonder if she’s thinking about me too. Then i came to think, if we’re pretending for my friends, then we’re pretending for everyone. And she has no idea how much i love that fact. Yes, I’m out to finish a bet, but no rules or regulations say you can’t be real for once. 

‘ZAYN!’ Mrs. Pettifilger said. ‘-Um, yeah what?’ ‘Pay attention and stop staring at Leja and focus, you have an exam next class!’ Everyone ‘oooo’ed’ and I sat there very awkwardly while she gave me a flirty face. I’m so loving this. 


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