Thomas Morrison

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Name-Thomas Michael Morrison

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Name-Thomas Michael Morrison

Date of Birth-March 10th, 1849

Age-20/178 then 182

Place of Birth-London, England


Date of Turned-October 31st, 1860

Turned By-Lillian Salvatore

Age When Turned-20

Cause of Death-Typhoid Fever


Jefferson Morrison-Older Brother

Martha Morrison (Nee Parker)-Mother (Deceased)

Jeremy Morrison-Father (Deceased)

Malachi Parker-Maternal Descendant

Serena Richardson-Girlfriend

Vincent Richardson- Brother-in-Law

Clayton Richardson-Nephew

Samantha Richardson-Niece

Hope Andrea Mikaelson-Adoptive Niece

Nathan Kennedy-Adoptive Nephew

Love Interest-Serena Richardson and Finn Mikaelson

Portrayed By-Cillian Murphy

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