Part one: Taken

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" Goodnight my summer bug. " Papa says caressing my cheek, it's hard seeing him so deathly pale, he's skin and bones at this point. I lean down and kiss his forehead softly, Tomorrow will be the first day of highschool. I know Papa is excited he's made it far enough for this, so am I.

I go back into my bedroom and lay on my bed, I open my window, the hot Arizona breeze makes me somewhat cooler, my thick curls make my hotter.
In my mind, Papa is well and Mama, is alive and thriving. In another world perhaps.

I look at the clock, Midnight. It's been four hours since I kissed Papa goodnight, I'm not tired enough, not even an ounce of sleepiness has swept me off my feet.
I turn closing my eyes finally, I start to feel sleepy, my eyes begin to close slowly.


I jump up at the Noise, of banging on my door. Papa told me if there was ever an intruder, to hide the closet, before I could get up and hide, the door swings open, two identical men in black suits march towards me.
" PAPA! " I yell, but no answer.
They must've killed Papa, The first identical one grabs my legs, I kick and scream hoping the neighbors would hear me, the second guy jumps up and pulls out a syringe out of his pocket. My eyes widen.
" PAPA! PLEASE, " I scream. The syringe is plucked into my skin, I try to kick but my bones feel like Jello and my skin feeks like it's dripping.
" Papa? " I hear myself say. I blink rapidly trying to reconnect with myself but no use, my eye lids get heavy and everything fades into black.
Although I am passed out, I still hear everything around me. I cannot belive I let myself get kidnapped.
" Shes a fighter " I hear someone say, I feel my body be thrown into the back of a very nicely cushioned car, the car smells brand new. I try to open my eyes, to move, but my body is weak.
" Just like her dad " I hear another voice laugh.
My Papa? How do they know my Papa?
" Mr.Coleman " better watch out, they laugh.
How could they just have a nice and happy time after kidnapping someone?
The car jolts to a stop after a while. The car door swings open and I am picked up, almost like a princess. There is a lot of walking before I hear doors open.
" I was wondering where you were, is she alright " I hear a deep gravelly voice say, his voice ( the guy I am guessing is Mr.Coleman ) gives me goose bumps.
" Sorry sir, we were planning on taking her conscious but she had other plans. "
There is scilenced before Mr.Coleman says,
" Well take her to her room. " He orders.
" Yes sir. " The kidnappers say in unison.
After walking up stairs it seems, another door opens and I'm laid on a very soft bed.
My eyes slowly open, my vision is blurred, I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out, it almost feels like my throat is closing, before my eyes slam shut I take one last look at his glowing green eyes of my kidnapper.
This time I cannot hear anything around me, and my body is numb.

 This time I cannot hear anything around me, and my body is numb

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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