Chapter 1

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The moon hangs low within the clear starry night. The wind crawls through the trap door at the top of the cell; usually causing any normal person to feel shivers or goosebumps spread throughout their body. Not me though, I've lost the ability to feel the cold long ago. And I'm definitely not normal.

My hands are bruised and raw from the metal cuffs holding me in place, preventing me from too much movement. My feet no better, I stare at the identical chains bounding them to the floor. However, the shackles are slightly longer, allowing my legs some motion. Jackson probably knows something's wrong by now.

Fuck, this isn't how I envisioned my death. Really? With how things have been going so far--I'm not that surprised.

"Shut up.." I rasped out. The frail-looking man on the other side of the cell lifts his head. His face is bruised up and there's an ugly gash running along his forehead, a mixture of pus and blood leaking from the wound. "You talking to me Miss?" He chirps out with a confused face.

My face twists in disgust. "No." I look upwards at the metal gate that's locking us in here. I take a closer look at the sky. The dawn doesn't seem close and I hear no chatter. Now's my chance, I have to escape this shithole. And how so? Do you even know where it is?

"Didn't I tell you to be quiet?" The man once again raises his head. "Me?" I contain the urge to roll my eyes and take a deep breath instead. "No." I spit out, now starting to get irritated.

I lean over to my hand, tipping my head to it. I start digging around in the web of tangled hair. "Come on come on.." I whisper to myself. "Come where?" This one's smart--isn't he? Finally, my fingertips reach a little metal hair grip. My eyes widen, I murmur, "Oh thank god." I put the hair grip in my mouth and begin picking the locks, starting with my left arm. As soon as it's free, I immediately unbind my other arm by and then my legs. God doesn't exist love, otherwise you wouldn't be stuck in this predicament. I reach up to the metal gate--aiming for the big padlock. "Can you shut your goddamn mouth for one fucking se-" I don't have a mouth sweetheart. "But I didn't say anythi-" "NOT YOU!" I barked out loudly.

I hear shuffles and a drunk voice nearing the cell. Seems like you've drawn attention to yourself. I struggle to unlock the padlock as the voice draws closer, "Shit shit shit shi-" With one final click the lock opens, just as a grubby-looking man sticks his head down into the gate, curious with all the commotion. His blood-shot eyes stare at me, "Why you little wench.." I burst open the gate--purposely making sure to hit his head with the hard cold metal, knocking him out. I quickly climb out of the under-level brig--stumbling until I find my balance. I look up to find some men on board fast asleep, some mumbling, some drooling. Good, everyone's still asleep. Not for long, better go find your little treasure before the captain wakes up Y/N. "Yeah yeah, I know dipshit." I whisper to myself.

I'm on a ship. A pirate ship to be exact. If you can even call it that--a vessel would probably be a more fitting name, this shit's huge.. The ship isn't moving at the moment, docked at the port of a very popular and lively city, known as Valeria. Also, known as the 'Pit of the Pirates'. The city's infamous for its wealth and riches. The various noble families, powerful leaders and the gold mines [the city's main source of income] that are scattered throughout the capital, makes the place a perfect breeding ground for pirates and other blood and money-hungry scumbags trying to find their way to the top.

I easefully walk past part of the crew and into the interior floors of the ship. More men sleeping. I just have to get to the captain's quarters without any more inconveniences. Seems easy enough, I mean, I made it this far. What's a little more to go?

I finally reached the room and with one final look around I quietly open the door. To my surprise, it's open. I tip-toe in and without making a noise walk over to the large mahogany desk. I make note of the empty bed. I don't have much time, who knows when the captain will get back. Or just how much time I have until someone finds the man I've left unconscious. I quickly open the drawers of the rich hand-crafted desk until I find what I came here for. Ah ha! There it is, my compass! The gold cover has a beautiful lotus carved onto it; it's unique, it's gorgeous, and now it's mine. Well, technically it's mine. "Uh huh, right."

I fist the shiny gilt compass into my pocket and turn around. I hear heavy footsteps nearing the wooden door to the quarters. I try to find a place to hide but it's too late and the door slams open with the drunk captain stumbling into his room. He locks eyes with me and is about to yell. I don't give him the chance to get a single word out and bash my head against his. Ow, I felt that you know.. "Good," I mutter as I try to mask the stinging pain. I hear footsteps and rustling from above, they must've woken up from all the ruckus. I forgot that the door to the captain's quarters is still left open and I'm only reminded once another crewmate stumbles inside frantically.

"Captain! The girls escaped the brig- you whore! You knocked out Jimmy, didn't you? And now our captain!" The man questions me with a violent glint in his eyes. He doesn't seem too happy. "I don't have time for this shit." You sprint forward, pushing him into the wall with your shoulders. He falls to the floor and you take this opportunity to kick him square across the jaw--making him spit out blood. "And watch who you're calling a whore, filthy scum." Feisty, I quite enjoy seeing you like this. I run through the corridors within the ship, flawlessly dodging the men that're flailing their swords towards me aimlessly. "I'm always like this." I let out breathlessly. Exactly.

I burst through the door leading myself into the open deck, with now the entire crew staring at me, swords in hand and pistols by hip and ready to strike. Well shit, that's a lot of people. But I wasn't dumb, I eventually knew this was going to happen. I have a plan, I always do. Although being thrown in the brig was a little unexpected on my end. The steps were simple. Sneak into the ship disguised as one of the prostitutes from a local tavern that this crew's a regular at. Seduce the captain, get him dazzed, steal the compass and get out. However, the plan went south when the captain walked in on me drugging his drink. And then they tossed me into the boat's cell to deal with later. Bad idea. They should've just killed me right then and there.

I run full speed towards the east railing of the boat and leap. I hold my breath as I hit the ice water below harshly, black dots clouding my vision. Not yet Y/N, stay with me. I fight the sudden drowsiness and swim up to the surface. Dammit Jacks where are you! Abruptly, I feel myself getting pulled from the freezing water and into a tiny boat.

"Y/N! Holy shit you were supposed to jump off the west side of the ship, thank god I heard the splash.." Jackson's voice fills my head and I feel myself slowly slipping away. "Hey, hey stay with me now. We're safe, okay, our men are boarding the ship to deal with the crew and The Pearl is nearby." I feel him wrap a blanket around my shivering body. "Did you get the com..." I'm no longer able to grasp the words he's spewing and everything seems to get blurry and fuzzy. Then, I pass out; and everything's black.

Today, is the first time in a while where I feel the cold--pulsing deep through my bones. And boy-- is it not a fun feeling.

(1407 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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