Chapter 7 - Unexpected Visitor

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“You didn’t die? You’re one lucky guy. I would deal with you now, but I have something more important to do.”

Noir faced the mysterious voice only to realise it was none other than Zenith Magus Rank – 6, Ivy.
“Nox, get ready…Fire Magic: Inferno Barrage”
Noir summoned a barrage of fireballs ready to be shot at any time. Nox too turned around and began chanting.
“I didn’t want to deal with this. You leave me no choice.”

But before Nox could complete chanting his spell, Ivy struck down on him with blistering speed, knocking him to the ground with a grunt of pain. Everyone was left speechless. Ivy turned towards Noir and began to close the distance at an alarming speed. Was he always this fast? Noir motioned the fireballs towards Ivy, but he effortlessly dodged each one without breaking a sweat. He dodged them? Shoot! What do I do? With a swift kick, Ivy sent Noir flying backward. As Noir struggled to rise back up, Ivy approached him and poised a weapon at his neck. He got Treiton already?!?!

“You are blessed to be surrounded by friends and family, society praises you, you have immense aura. Yet, you have chosen to throw it all away just to get in our way and protect those good-for-nothings. It’s not too late. You can still change. I’ll spare you for now, but never get in our way again.”

    Ivy’s ominous words hung in the air, as he slowly walked away from the group with Treiton in his hand. Noir and his allies were all left contemplating whether it was the end of not. Finally, Nox spoke up.

“I don’t know what you’ve done for three years on Earth, but care to explain why he has Treiton with him and also who he is. None of it is making sense to me.”

“Wasn’t Treiton supposed to be guarded by the Dragons in the Artamian Woods,” asked Ryzen. “Don’t tell me the ones which attacked you were those dragons.”

“Looks like it. He might have likely disturbed them while getting it and now they are here for rampage. Good thing we dealt with them,” replied Noir. “As for who he is and why he’s here, that guy was Ivy and basically, they want all of humanity dead. They plan to do so by harnessing the powers of all the Ancient Weapons. Hence, the reason he had Treiton.”

Noir turned towards Eleanor and asked her to transport them to the Royal Capital. Eleanor complied and as she changed her Space Manipulation Magic, the group was enveloped in a shimmering light whisking them away to the Royal Capital in an instant.

    Upon arriving there, they were greeted by the bustling streets, the grandeur of the capital city contrasting sharply with the chaos they had just left behind. Determined to address the issues at hand, Noir led the others to the council chambers. As Noir and his companions entered the council chambers, they were met with a scene that chilled them to the bone.

Instead of the solemn atmosphere they had expected, they found the council members lounging around, engaged in frivolous activities. A group of them were playing poker at one end of the room, while others were engrossed in a heated game of cards, their laughter echoing off the walls. Noir’s jaw tightened in disbelief as he scanned the room, his eyes narrowing in disgust at the lack of seriousness among the council members. But his attention was drawn to a familiar face – one of the villagers from his hometown, a man he had known since childhood. The man approached the council, a look of desperation etched on his face.

“Please, sirs, I beg of you,” the man pleaded, his voice trembling with urgency. “We need help. The Mawbeasts are ravaging our lands, and our people are suffering. We cannot fend them off on our own.”

The council members barely glanced up from their game, their expressions indifferent to the man's plight. One of them waved a dismissive hand, barely sparing the man a glance.
“We’ve received your requests, but you must understand, resources are limited. We need more funding to address the issue properly.”

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