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You see, I am 5 minutes late, but still my teacher dint notice. Soo I am not late :P

"Morning Class" Our adviser smile and greeted us, aarrgghh! I still want to sleep, so tired! >__<

We all stand up  "Good Morning Ma'am Iris" then we sit.

This is sooo boring, we we're like discussing the rules and regulations about our school. Wahaha!! =_= So Boring. So I slauche and sleep. and guess what ?!

"Mitzi!" I thought that I was just dreaming, but I dind't know that it was true.

"Mitzi!" OMG! It's not! It's my teacher scolding me. OMG! What am I going to do! Lord, help me!

I raise my head upward, and saw my teacher with her mad face and my heart was pounding so fast that I could even hear it through my ears.

" Yes Ma'am? " even I was really scared, I bring out my smile. :)

My teacher was holding a stick and I thought she would scold me but instead 

"Mitzi , please don't sleep" She told me with a pleasant voice and smile, still she continue to discuss those boring rules and regulations about the school.

I was thinking about that girl who poked my yesterday, and wondering if she's present. I looked every where, and I found her. Not too far from my seat. She was seated behind my back. And when I look at her, she looked at me back. My heart pounds, but I really want to know her name, because I am not sure if her name is Jermyn. 

Soo here comes my plan, I turn my head at the back, then surprisingly greet her "HIII!!" wahahahaha! If you could just see her face so shock, you could just died laughing, but I dind't laugh, instead I just smile. 

"Ummm, hello?" She replied with a smile one her face.

"Yesterday, umm you a-asked me your name, but I dind't have the dare to ask yours, by the way, what is your name?" OMG! this is so embarrassing, if our teacher can caught us talking, we would be dead. xD

"HAHA! " she giggle "sorry for that, but my name is Jermyn" I told you! her name is Jermyn. I know it was, but I'm not sure. >_< 

"Are you new here Jermyn?"

" No I am not, 'bout you? "

"Same, do you have friends here?"

"If you just know, I don't have any, just my self"

"Oooww, were the same, I don't have friends here." "Could we be BFF's?"

This is so fast Mitzi, but whatever! I need to do it, I don't want to be a loner in here. :P

" OOH ! Sure ! Why not. "  Then she smiled and wink at me. 

Soo I have a best friend, a best friend. Mission accomplished. 

My sleepy eyes went to active eyes, wahaha! So cool, I am not tired no more! 


Recess is here, and I can't wait to hang out with my new BFF!

"Jermyn, let's go to the canteen?" I smile, then grab her hand and went to the canteen.

"UUmm.. Okay "


I saw a girl, and I think she is a new student here too. She don't have friends like me. Maybe I should ask her if she wants to hang out with me.

After dismissal, Jermyn poked Mitzi's back, and she look at me in a very shock emotion.

"Could I help you?" 

OMG! I can't help it, I'm shy, maybe she is not the right person I could spent a school days with. 

"Ummm.. " I smiled as if I was not shy "Your Mitzi right? she was so shock and her emotion is like this --> O_O

"Y-yes! I am Mitzi"  " Why you asked?" 

I can't help it, her reaction just makes me laugh so hard, so instead I want to ask her if she wants to be my BFF, I just say

"Ummm.. Nothing oyy!" then smile at her, look her eyes then get away with her. When she didn't see me, I bust into laughter like an idiot, and my schoolmates were laughing at me, when I notice them, I just stopped. ^_^

My father take me home with our car, there were no school bus in that time because it's still the first day of school. 


I go immediately to my room and sleep. School so tiring, but whatever! I need to sleep. 


Until I know it, it was early in the morning, then I go down in the stairs and take a bath, prepare my things and put my uniform back, and eat my breakfast, my dad is reading a newspaper and my mom is outside doing something. When im ready, I wait for my dad to get the car ready, and went to the school. ^__^

I was not late, but in a perfect timing, I arrived at school at exaclty, 7:300am.  

Im planning to do is ask Mitzi if she could be my BFF.


Mitzi arrived 5 minutes late, and she was panicing if our teacher would catch her, but in a lucky time, our teacher dind't caught her.

I was so tired, and it was pretty boring, I stand my arms and hang my head on it. -___-

Mitzi was slouching and I think she is sleeping, in a bad luck, she was caught by our adviser.

"Mitzi!" still she's not awake, wahaha! She really is sleeping, is she?

Again our teacher called her "Mitzi!" and slowing she raised her head and said "Yes Ma'am?" I can't see her face, because I'm seated behind her back.

"Please don't sleep" but luckily, Mitzi dind't get the scold thingy, if she does, well , wahahaha! 

It was boring again, nothing to do, but just listen to our teacher blabbering her mouth discussing us the rules and regulations of the school.

But in a unexpected time, Mitzi turned her head over me and asked me to be her BFF. In that part, I only thought that I was the only one liking her. Wahaha! She feel the way I feel too. xD


I was so shock when Mitzi drag me going to the canteen, before I can react, she already drag me, well what can I do? WAhaha! Nothing! 

So we walked going to the canteen.

MY FAKE FRIENDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon