chapter 5 | xoxo

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Stevens POV:

"Who are you?" Pearl says, the gem turns to use.

It lughs and they unfuze, to show Jett and Lars chuckling.

"You fused?! How!?" amethyst says shocked.

"Are you okay, Lars!?" I ask, he looked fine, he looked happy.

"Yea! I'm fine, steven! Never been better." He looked at Jett, his cheeks were more of a darker red.

I sigh "you wanna go home now? Did he hurt you?" I ask, a bit worried.

"No I'm fine, Jett will take me home, he's got this, also I think I wanna hang out with Jett more, he's really cool." Lars says, smiling, look at Jett, he didn't take his eyes off him.

I was confused.

"You sure? He tried killing me!" I say.

"He wouldn't do that to me, also he couldn't take all the change, so he freaked out, not his fault." Lars protests.

I was gonna say something but then Garnett put her hand on my shoulder stopping me, I sighed.

"Alright." I say.

I walk back with the other gems back on the other space ship.

Lars POV:

Steven is being over dramatic, Jett wouldn't hurt me, he's my friend, I look at jett, Jett looked at me.

"What do you want to do now?" Jett asks me.

"Hmm..." I think scratching the back of my head...

"You should show me human stuff!" Jett smiles.

"What kind?" I ask, confused.

"Well the stuff people do on tv!" Jett explains.

"Hmm.. Cooking?" I ask.

Jett nodes.

After a few hours we were cooking, well baking cakes, it was fun, I was stirring the batter, I look at Jett, Jett was watching closely, he was so happy, I put batter in his noise, he looks and chuckles, he was so cute, I blushed and kept stirring, I take out the spoon and hand it too him.

"Here, lick the spoon, I promise it's good" I say.

Jett takes the spoon smiling, looking at it, examines it, then he sticks his tounge out, he licks it, I blush more, I cough in my hand, I cant get my eyes off this, Jett puts the spoon in his mouth sucking, humming of how good it is, my face turns red, oh geez, damn that's hot, I look down, Jett was confused and lifted my head, looking at my eyes, he puts the spoon down.

"You okay? Your all red? Are you cold?" Jett says, holding onto my wrist, not tightly but just right, I can't take this....

"Uhm... Uh..." I couldn't speak.

I use my free hand to move his hair away from his eyes.. His eyes were blue, like a dark blue, it looked like a sunset, it was gorgeous, I couldn't look away.

"Lars? Can you be my diamond?" Jett asks, my eyes widden.

"Me?" I ask as Jett nodes "okay." I say.

Jett smiles more pulling me closer, my face turns red, dark red. I couldn't take it anymore, I kissed him.

Jett kisses back .

(Next chapter is gonna be 18+, this chapter is shorter)

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