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I woke up only to realize that I was gonna be late on my first day of school

I fucking hate my life, I just wish that Kim Seungmin isn't in my class this year cause if he is I'm going to actually lose it but not gonna lie he kinda hot- wait what the fuck Jeongin? Aish I'm just gonna get up my fucking bed so that I can just go eat breakfast and shower


Ugh my day literally just started and my mom greets me by screaming at me? Great.

I finally got down stairs and ate my breakfast while I was eating I decided to use my phone cause why not? It's my life and not yours, meaning you won't be able to control me

"Stop using that goddamn phone Jeongin" My mom said to me

"Fineee" I whined

After eating breakfast I went upstairs to go take a shower cause I of course need to shower what do you want me to do? Go to school in my pyjamas?

^time skip^

I finally finished taking a shower and dressing up I went down stairs once again to say goodbye to my parents but when I went down stairs I realized that they already went to work so I just wrote a note and placed it on the kitchen counter so that they could maybe read it

And since my school is not that far from my house I just walked without knowing it was a bad idea..

Wanna know why? No? Well I'm still telling you cause that's my job.

While I was walking to school I accidentally bumped into someone and that 'someone' is the kim seungmin a.k.a my rival since elementary god the day just started and it's starting to be a bad day

"Watch where you're going dumbass" he said in an annoyed tone

Be thankful you're so fucking handsome kim Seungmin or else I would have started a fight.. Wait?! What?! Yang fucking Jeongin why are thinking these?? Do I like him or something? Wait eww why would I like my rival

"Yeah yeah what ever now if you don't mind me can you at least get the fuck out of my way like I'm trying to go to school? " I said

He leaned and whispered something in my ear


"Did I bother the poor little princess? " he whispered in a teasing tone

Fuck, fuck, fuck, he's way too close to me why is he doing this to me? Ugh I hate you so much Seungmin

I pushed him out of my way and quickly ran to school and I was lucky enough cause I saw my friends Jisung and Felix

"Uhm Jeongin are you okay? You look like you're out of breath" Felix asked me looking kinda worried

"Yeah I'm okay it's just that I bumped into seungmin" I answered

I was so annoyed cause I found out that Seungmin was my classmate?! And that Jisung nor Felix was in the same class as me meaning that I have to stay in a class with none and I mean NONE of my best friends

I hate this day


547 words

Chapter one

My rival turned into my lover?!〔Seungin〕Where stories live. Discover now