Chapter 1 - Life, Death, and Rebirth

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In the happiest forest, in the happiest tree, lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known or seen, the Trolls. What most won't tell you though is that it wasn't always like this. Trolls went through dark times other than their whole ordeal with the Bergens. It wasn't always so much, cupcakes and rainbows, as it is today. There was a time when trolls had to learn to fight, defend themselves, and be wary of anything. Even those they considered friends and family. These times are more commonly referred to now as "The Dark Ages'' in Trollkind history and this...
is where our story begins...

Once upon a time, there were two fraternal troll twins (not conjoined by their hair), Willow and Wither Woodwind. They were the children of Alder and Maple Woodwind. Alder served as the Pop troll's "Head Protector" since he was a young adult troll. Groomed to be "Head Protector" by his father before him. In olden days, the trolls had a group of Knights that were called "Protectors" where their job was to protect their home, the troll tree, and people at all costs. Sadly, Maple fell ill and was never able to recover shortly after Willow and Wither hatched, so both siblings were almost exclusively raised by their father, who from a young age, like his father before him, groomed them to hopefully take his place as "Head Protectors" of the village.

Willow, a beautiful female troll with lavender skin and bright teal/cobalt blue hair was the physical alpha of the two siblings. She responded well to her father's training and very soon could even best him in combat and weaponry. She was a fierce fighter and strategist. Though a shy, intelligent, and humble troll outside of battle situations. She was kind to every troll and served her people well. This led to her father's great approval of her and eventually appointing her to be the next "Head Protector" when she was of age to accept the title. Alder was always very proud of Willow. She and her father shared a close and strong bond. As Willow got older she eventually found love with another "Protector" named Oak, a handsome young troll who she hoped to eventually marry and have a family with. Life was always looking up for Willow...

However, life started out and was always more difficult for Wither. A male troll of cyan skin, and forest green hair, who was the runt of the two siblings. He never responded well to his father's training and always seemed to fail to impress him. Despite this, what Wither lacked in physical prowess he made up with in charm, cunning, and manipulation. He had a way to get trolls to trust him even if he was deliberately misleading them for his own personal gain. This being because of the diplomatic way he went about things (similar to a purple troll we're unfortunately already familiar with🙄😂😉). His way with words made him very deceptively charming. All the Pop trolls loved Wither, except for Alder. He saw through his son's charismatic facade to the true darkness that lied within his heart, behind his actions, and never approved of anything he did. This made Wither come to resent and hate his sister Willow with every fiber within him. He vowed that one day he would exact his vengeance (even though Willow had only ever loved her brother and desired a deeper connection/understanding with/of him). As Wither waited for the right moment to arrive to initiate his evil plan, he grew older. Because of the trust the Trolls all had in him, very misplaced but unbeknownst to them, he was appointed as royal advisor to the king and queen of the time. These being distant, earlier relatives of Queen Poppy, Princess Viva, and King Peppy.

Unfortunately, Wither finally did get the chance he had been waiting for.

The Goblin Wars soon began, sending the trolls into one of the bloodiest and grisliest wars of troll history. Countless lives were lost and the troll tree was greatly left in ruin when the fighting finally ceased. The trolls ended up coming out victorious but not without most of the "Protectors" losing their lives doing their sworn duty of protection to their home and their people. Willow was in the thick of the battle being the first in command. She was in charge of the West and South troops. Her father, now second in command after passing his title onto Willow, managed the North and East troops. On the final day of battle, troops had dwindled greatly yet everyone fought with as much valor as always, with Willow leading her troops from the front. In the heat of battle, when the war was almost finally over, she failed to notice an enemy arrow man behind her take a perfect shot at her heart. Luckily for her, Oak jumped in front of her and took the arrow man out, but also took the arrow in the process. He collapsed onto Willow.
"Oh my gods, Oak, here, grab my shoulders, I'll carry you to Dr.-"
"Willow, you and I both know we wouldn't make it there in time."
"Yes I could,
we could,
I know we could, we just have to-"
"Willow, my darling, please... It's no use my love."
"I can't lose you, Oak!" , she nearly screamed with streams of tears running down her face, "how could you...
why did you do this!?!", she choked out in between sobs.
"My Willow...Isn't it obvious?", he chuckled, causing him to cough up blood in the process but was able to weakly raise his hand to cup her cheek,
"There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, my love.
I would do it as many times as I had to just to be in your arms like this every time.
What is life if I will always be with you...
I love you Skatt Min,
forever and always." (Yes I know it's really cheesy and melodramatic but that's the sort of vibe I'm going for 😅😂😉)
Willow held his hand against her sticky, tear stained cheek.
"I love you too,
Please don't leave me!"
"That is something I could never and will never do,
my love...",
and with that the hand holding her cheek and the arm attached went limp in Willow's hand and Oak died in Willow's arms.
"Farewell, my love...", Willow said as she held his limp body close to her and wept.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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