
11 1 1

Mina Ashidos Point of view
                 Two weeks after last chapter.

I wake up in my bedroom stretching and getting ready for school another boring day of this cycle I wish things were more interesting but I have started to hang out with more people in my class like the guy who went to my middle school Ejiro Kirishima and seemed he made friends with a guy Denki Kaminari he was friends was a girl Kyouka Jiro so I ended up having a friend group outside of people in my row I started frequently chatting to Kaminari and Kirishima since they were next to me I also of course chatted to my first friend here Tsu! I started walking to school hoping someone would catch up to me usually Kirishima would be somewhere around near the entrance. I was walking alone until I saw Kirishima at the gates of the school and we started chatting since today was Friday "So wanna hang out over the weekend? I wanted to maybe like hang out with you and the others and invite Katsuki to but he's always trying to brush me off he's such a hot head!" Kirishima said with closed eyes and a fist "Yeah of course I'll hang out I have nothing else better to do anyway!" I was cheerful lately life's been boring so besides doing nothing I learned to do dances I wonder if I could ever make a job out of it? I questioned to myself Kirishima looked at me with a grin "Great how about we all hang out at the mall or a near by park?" I nodded as we entered the classroom and we both sat down as I turned my head and kept talking to him "Maybe the mall I wanna buy stuff." "Yeah and I think the mall over here has an arcade so we get two in one!" I grinned and flapped my hands "That'd be great then the mall it is yeah?" He smiled and put a thumbs up as Tsu walked infront of me Ochako behind her "Whatcha talking about Shi?" I look at her with a big smile "I'm probably gonna hang out with Kiri and the others at the mall!" Tsu tilted her head then her eyes lit up looking to Ochako "Oh? Can we go it'd be fun our group and yours?" Kirishima then darted in "I was gonna invite Bakugo Doesn't like Midorya so It'd probably be best if you guys didn't go." I think about it for a bit and came to agree with it. Tsu sighed then her eyes lit up "What if it was just me and Uraraka?" Kirishima looked over thinking "That could work!" Ochako looked to the side with an ashamed look "I'll probably not come I couldn't afford anything anyway." Tsu looked to her and smiled "I can pay for you if that's better?" Ochako smiled "You would really? But I don't wanna waste your money." Tsu nugged it off "It's okay what are friends for?" Kirishima put his fist up "Well then it's settled you two are going!" I smiled but a light sharp pain went through my heart but I didn't think much of it as Mr.Aizawa came in and quickly Tsu made it back behind me and sat to her seat and Ochako went to hers as well. This day went by fast then I realized I would need either Tsus or Ochakos number since Kirishima already left. I stood up looking to Tsu starting to walk to Uraraka before I spoke "Hey Tsu?" She turned around to look at me "Yes Ashi?" I smiled at her nickname "I need your number to text you about the information" Tsu giggled "Oh yeah here!" She handed her phone to me with her contact pulled up as I put it in my phone "There! Also wanna walk together like we did the first week of school?" Tsu looked to Uraraka "Oh but I was gonna do that with Uraraka." That slight pitch of pain came again for some reason I was a tad upset but she has friends so do I it's fine "Oh I mean we all could walk together?" Tsu smiled and nodded as she walked to Ochako as I followed and Uraraka looked at me "Oh is she coming with?" Tsu nodded "Oh yeah she is." Ochako smiled "Great hi Ashido." I smiled back "Hi Ochako, shall we go?" I said as I swayed my hand to the door giggling "Oh of course Ms.Ashido" Tsu giggled back. As I started walking Ochako and Tsu following me as we chatted "So when are we going to the mall?" Tsu asked I shrugged "I don't actually know actually Kiri just invited me and didnt actually tell me when we are going" Tsu nods "So just text me when you figure it out yeah?" I nod as we all go separately. As I get home I'm greeted by my Mom "Hey sweetie how was your day?" I shrug "It was fine i'm probably gonna end up hanging out with Kiri and the others with Tsu sometime soon." My mom looks at me "Oh when?" I shrugged again "No clue i'll tell you when I know" My mother nods as I go into my room laying down and going on my phone scrolling down on tiktok until Kirishima texts me [We are going to the mall tomorrow at 3PM okay?] I replied with a thumbs up and text Tsu the same thing and she replied [Okay that's good with me!] I smiled replying [Anyway though whatcha doing?] [Babysitting my siblings, you?] Tsu replied [Nothing really was just scrolling through tiktok but now i'm texting you.] [Oh well I need to make dinner for my siblings nice to chat see you tmrw] [Yeah see you tsu!] she hearted the messages then I closed out the messaging app and eventually ate dinner myself scrolled on tiktok some more then went to bed. As the sun rose I was awake around 11AM so I decided to take a shower and put a outfit make myself some breakfast waiting til 3PM then it came and I went out the door and started to walk out a bit to see Kirishima with Kyouka, Kaminari, Katsuki, and Hanta. I texted Tsu [We are walking are you guys too?] she replied [Mhm! see you there!] I put away my phone and join my friends eventually we were at the mall and Tsu and Uraraka were there "Hey guys!" I said "Hey Mina and everyone else!" Tsu said "Yeah it's great to be here!" Uraraka said I grinned as we all started chatting walking into stories buying stuff until I saw Tsu eyeing build a bear "You wanna go in there?" I asked tilting my head Tsu looks at me flinching a little "Uhm I mean yeah. There's a frog plushie in there and I love frogs plus it's super cute!" I grinned giggling softly "Wanna go in there together?" She looked at me and nodded as we walked in build a bear I saw a bunch of random stuff animals then the frog one and grabbed it and also grabbed a regular teddy bear I turned to Tsu who looked excited "I can't wait to have it it's gonna be super cute!" I nod as we get them both filled up with stuffing we bought some clothes for our stuffed animals we bought them matching outfits and we named it after each other "Now we have each other in plushie form!" I giggled Tsu nodded "That means we need matching outfits too yeah?" I nod giggling as we paid and left to buy some clothes we ended up getting matching hello kitty shirts and PJ pants "We should wear this next time we hang out!" I grinned Tsu nodded happily as we walked to the others. Eventually we all bought what we all wanted even getting some food at the food court "It was nice hanging out with everyone especially you Tsu!" Tsu nodded and giggled as we all said our goodbyes the only person who didn't seem any happy with the trip was Katsuki but he was just like that with everything apparently. I giggled to myself as I entered my home around 5:30PM I texted my mom on my way back that she didn't have to make dinner since I already had ate. I went to my bedroom laying down smiling today was great. I bonded more with Tsu she's really a good friend! I hug the teddy bear and put it next to me going on tiktok for a bit then start thinking I should see if Tsu would want to hang out anytime soon it was super nice to. As I did say "We will be best friends" and well we are! She's the sweetest. But anyway it's quite late I should head to bed I think to myself closing my eyes.

End of chapter two

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