IV. Robb (A&F?)

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Summary; Robb convinces a hesitant y/n to attend Edmure Tully's wedding.

The night of the wedding was something I should have been excited about, yet I felt anything but excitement. An impending sense of dread seemed to loom over me, flooding all of my senses. Sometimes you can smell the storm before it comes, and this felt eerily similar. It felt as though, at any moment, rain would start pouring down on me. I could feel it with my hands, smell it in my nose, and see it with my eyes. Something was going to go wrong tonight.

I applied my makeup with slow caution, trying to avoid any mistakes that may result from my shaking hands. No matter how much I steadied my breathing, I still wouldn't stop shaking. My elbow rested on the edge of the vanity, trying to steady my hand but to no avail. I couldn't finish my makeup without absolutely ruining it, so I would just have to leave it like this. It wasn't my best, but it would suffice.

"Darling, you can't be putting this much stress on yourself," Robb came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "you could harm the baby if you keep worrying yourself like this." He scolded gently. He pressed a comforting kiss to my neck, which would usually work, but not tonight.

I knew that Robb was right; that my anxiety was doing me more harm than good, but I couldn't shake the feeling. I was certain that the hollow feeling in my gut was right, that there was- without a doubt- some horrible fate waiting ahead of us. I could feel in it my very core, eating me away from my insides. It was horrible.

"Talk to me, y/n. Tell me what's on your mind." Robb asked, his gaze never leaving my own.

"I don't think we should go to the wedding. I think we should stay here." I answered honestly, hoping he wouldn't question me and instead listen for once. That was wishful thinking.

Robb sighed, but didn't seem to be annoyed with me. "And why would that be?" He asked, his hands trailing down my figure before coming to rest on my hips, where he began to rub circles into the soft flesh. Of course, he just had to ask questions.

Why did I feel this way? I have no idea. I had no reason to believe Frey would betray us, that is a low even he wouldn't stoop to, so why was I so afraid? There wasn't any reasonable answer, none that would matter enough to change Robb's mind. It was irrational, I know that, but there is no way in the seven hells that he'd be able to convince me to go to that cursed wedding. Not a chance. There was nothing he could say that would make me comfortable going near that place.

Robb rested his chin on my shoulder, his light eyes roaming over my figure through the mirror's reflection. He looked absolutely amazing tonight, more so than usual. I loved the way black looked on him, it complimented his skin tone- a rare trait. And his hair, it just looked absolutely perfect, with not a single curl out of place. I don't think I've seen him put this much effort into his appearance, not since our wedding. Not that he needed to, he looked beautiful no matter what state he was in. I always envied his effortless beauty. God, how I hated the way he so easily gave me butterflies whenever he held me like this.

"It will be fine, Darling. I can assure you that we will be safe." He pressed another kiss to my neck before continuing, "And look at you- everything about you looks absolutely stunning; your makeup, your hair, your dress. I don't think the Frey girl will appreciate you outshining her during her own wedding." He teased me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his flattery.

"That's very sweet of you, but that won't work on me." I responded.

"I'm only being honest, my love. You don't want to put all that effort to waste, do you?"

It was obvious that he was trying to persuade me to ignore my gut feeling and attend the wedding with him. He was never great at being subtle. I understand it might look bad if he were to go without me, and it would likely cause some rumors around the court, but that seemed like the least of our issues. Something told me that he was feeling nervous about this situation too, but he wouldn't admit that even if I asked. He didn't want to make me any more anxious than I already was, but I don't think that would be possible. I was already far too anxious as is, so what more could he add?

His hands came up to rest on the small baby bump that was starting to show. It was just now starting to become apparent. My waist was slowly disappearing and my stomach was beginning to swell. Sometimes it made me feel self conscious about the way I look, seeing the way my body was changing within such a short amount of time. Because of this, Robb always made a point to tell me how beautiful I was, even when I knew I looked horrible at that moment.

"It will be good for you and the baby to enjoy yourself for the night. You can't keep yourself locked away. It's not healthy." He continued to gently caress the small bump, looking down at it adoringly.

Robb's already protective nature had increased tenfold once he learned of my pregnancy. He could already be a bit overbearing at times before that, but after? Completely different story. It was endearing, and I appreciated his concern for me and our unborn child, but it could be frustrating at times. He was always making sure I was drinking enough water, that I had gotten enough sunlight and fresh air, that I was eating properly. He was always so protective of me, so why won't he listen to me when I tell him that something is wrong? Of all times for him not to be concerned, why now? I couldn't wrap my head around it. He was leading us into what seemed like a wolf's trap, except I have no reason to believe the wolf actually set that trap. I was just throwing around what seemed like gratuitous accusations.

"I'm just not feeling well, Robb. The baby is making me nauseous." I argued, placing a hand over my stomach for added effect. Telling him how I actually felt had done me no good, so this was my alternative approach- lie.

Robb pulled away from me, then gently guided me so that I was facing him. He looked me over with a critical eye, analyzing my condition. I could tell that he knew I was lying. He always knew when I was lying. He continued to look at me for a few seconds before he finally spoke, "You don't seem sick to me."

"Fine, then.I'm not sick," I reluctantly admitted. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to that wedding, either." I added, trying my best to keep my tone authoritative.

Robb sighed, clearly starting to grow a little bit frustrated with me, but he wasn't going to say that. "It makes me nervous leaving you alone here. Everyone I trust to keep you safe is attending the wedding."

He did have a point there, I guess. Everyone I trusted was attending that wedding, everyone that I knew would protect me. Staying here wouldn't make me safe from whatever unknown fate that lies ahead of us.

"Promise me, Robb. Promise me we'll be safe."

"I promise," He grabbed my hands, holding them within his own. "I promise that you and the baby will be safe." He assured me.

His words of assurance did nothing to soothe the gnawing sense of dread that has settled in my stomach. In fact, it only grew stronger. Every sense of my being was screaming at me to stop- to refuse. I know that with enough begging, he would let me stay, but I still had this urge to satisfy my husband. I love him, and I want to make him happy.

I sighed, then reluctantly agreed. "I'll go."

"Thank you, it means a lot to me that you do." He pressed a soft kiss to the back of my hand. I couldn't help but smile; he finally remembered not to kiss me on the lips while I was wearing makeup. Every time he did, my lipstick would either smear or transfer onto him.

This ceremony meant a lot to him, I know that. Even if I was going against my better judgment, at least he would be happy. That's all I wanted, even if it were the last thing I'll ever do- as long as he is happy, as am I.


(A/N 1; bro I don't know if I could actually write a part two to this. I don't know if I'm willing to put myself through that type of suffering. May god give me strength or whatever. Posted this one a couple days early, but Robb oneshots used to get me hundreds of views each so I needed to put one out instead of procrastinating.)

(Also, I am sorry if this doesn't make sense or seems rushed. I am two Alabama slammers in and listening to sad country duets. I'm going through it right now.)

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