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Heavy pants and breathing sounded out through the chilly night. Alex had a hard time falling asleep, her nightmares kept her up at night. Sleeping pills, don't work, if anything it sort of traps her and this night wasno different. She jogged listening to music throughout Miami, till the sun came up.
She wore a black sports bra, black sweats, combat boots, her face covered behind her mask, her silver necklace bounced on her chest.
A reaper tattoo visible on her right ribcage, it was a huge piece. She had it done when she was 16 years old. Alex takes a break, she stopped at her favorite coffee shop, walking in as the bell chimed, she removed her mask, heading to the counter,
"Hola Señor Radriguez como esta hoy?", she smiled at the old man,
"Hola Querida, estoy bien, lo habitual para esta mañana?", he asked happily. Alex nods,
"Sí", she replied giving him a ten dollar bill and waited on the side for her order.
Alex tilts her head at a handsome boy walking in, he ordered a cup of ice coffee. She eyed him from head to toe, something about him seemed familiar, but she couldn't exactly pin point from where.

"Alex..", her name was called and she walked up to the counter,
"Gracias señor radriguez hasta prōxima", she says turning around accidentally bumping into the boy almost spilling her coffee, her eyes find his,
"Sorry", she tells him and he shakes his head, "it's okay", his voice was soft and husky. She walked past him leaving, she couldn't get that boys face out of her mind. She saw him somewhere before......

Alex met up with Mike and Captain Howard at the Jose Matipark. She never went home to change so when she walked up the bleachers she received a look from Mike,
"Are you trying to get someone killed?", he said as she took a seat beside him chuckling.
She clapped and cheered for Captain Howard's granddaughter Callie.
"GO CALLIE!", she cheered out.
Captain Howard was lecturing and giving Mike his famous Buddhist advise,
"Where are you going, Mike?", his voice was soft.
Alex heard that same lecture a million times yet she was still tryna find her own path.

"No, Callie! Don't pass. Shooters shoot!", Cap yelled out as Callie took the shot and it rolled out of the hoop, signaling the end of the game. The crowd cheers as the other team had won.
Alex stood up as Cap sighed,
"Mike...you gotta get control of your life. You gotta grab the reins before your horse runs you off a cliff", he tells him whole heartedly.
Alex nudged Mike as he stood up and they walked out with Cap heading to their cars.
"Come over for dinner both of you. Callie would love to see you both. I'll read you a Buddhist story. I got a book full of them", he said as Alex raised her hands walking backwards in front of him,
"I'll go only if you order pizza cause no offense Cap your cooking needs a lot of work", she joked as he wrapped an arm around her neck playfully scolding her as Mike laughs.
Howard laughs but gasps out as a bullet hit him in the neck. Alex grunts as she was hit in the chest, falling to the ground, choking on blood,
"Ah....", she gasped out as Mike puts pressure on her chest, dragging her back along the pavement with Captain Howard who showed no sign of life. Alex's vision faded as well as all the screams and shouts around her.

Armando stared through his scope at the girl on the ground, bleeding out, he frowned as the cop dragged her out of sight,
"Get him", Zway Lo says from beside him, "shoot!"
Armando side eyed him,
"Callate!", he hissed seeing the cop move the other body out of sight.

"Through the bitch", Sway Lo says looking through the binoculars. Armando released his sniper frustrated, praying silently as Zway Lo scoffed,
"What's wrong with you, man? You had that shot", he said.
Armando shook his head, gazing out,
"No innocents", he said firmly in English, picking up his sniper and standing up,
"You crazy man, you know that", Zway Lo comments.
Armando walked out as green eyes flashed through his mind giving him a small migraine. He only did what his mother ordered him to do.
'Did he do the right thing?', he thought to himself walking off.






Alex stood quietly near the tree, her arms crossed, her face covered, a hoodie over her head. Tears fell from her eyes as the funeral came to an end. She bowed her head in respect. She wouldn't be where she is if it wasn't for Captain Howard. Mike slowly approached her and she sniffled as he hugged her body to his. She barely showed any emotion but this is the one time she could,
"He didn't deserve this, Mike", she sniffled and wiped the tears from her face.
Mike rubbed her back,
"You were a target too, Alex. I'm not gonna let this motherfucker get away with it", he promised as they left the funeral. Mike took her to his home where they came up with a plan to go after the fucker that killed Cap and almost killed her.
She gazed to the right hearing footsteps and smiled at Marcus who walked over to them, giving her a hug. Mike turned staring at him as he walked up to him,
"One last time?", he spoke out as Mike fully faced him with a soft look,
"One last time", he stated. Alex smiled as they fist bumped like old times,

"Bad boys, bad boys. Watcha gonna do. Watcha gonna do when they come for you"; she sang to them as they chuckled pulling her into a hug.


Armando stared at the photo of the green eyed girl he shot. She was really beautiful. He had snuck in the hospital to see if she made it and he was surprised that she did. He could see how strong of a fighter she was and the fight in her green eyes made him feel some type of way. He exhaled calling his mother,
"Mama, they're all gone. It's time?", he spoke in Spanish.

"Yes, kill him. But before you do it, look in his eyes and tell him something for me", she replied.

Armando nodded,
"What, mama?", he said looking out at the ocean. His mother gave him instructions as well as to finish off the girl but he stopped her,
"No mama, not her", he said as she argued with him but Armando hung up. He didn't want to kill the girl. There was something about her that drew him to her and he wanted to find out more, but when he looked her up, it was like she was a ghost. No medical file, no background. No workplace. Nothing! He was more interested in her and he'd hope to see her again.

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