Your just a friend. ᡣ𐭩

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Y/n's POV:

What.. what if mason saw you only as a friend.

"Oh y/n Blair is just so fricken perfect.." Mason smile as we walk out of the big blue gates  of the school. "I guess.." i shrug, "What do you mean I guess..?!" He rolls his eyes. "The way her hair sways, the way she smiles, shes so sweet and caring. Shes the prettiest girl ive ever seen..."

I give a soft sigh, 'Why... why cant he just see i love him..' "I cant wait to ask her out!" Mason smiles "Ask her out..?" my heart sinks. "Didn't i tell you silly? I was going to ask her this friday!" He grins. 'gosh his smile is gorgeous..'

"Oh!... good luck... what are you going to do?" I smile trying to be supportive. Deep down, i know blair is going to say no, she has a boyfriend. I couldn't hurt mason tho..

"Im going to just ask, like for example your blair alright?" he stops his tracks, he grabs my hand. 'A dream that is staged.' i thought "So blair..".

In my blair..

"Ive liked you for a while, and was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me...?" He smiles "y..yes.." my heart sinks deeper. "Then blah blah, and than she would be walking with me! She would love me! My girlfriend.. Blair... Blair thames" he talks forever, we walk to our houses, he lived a block down from me.

Mason never shuts up, "Blair is the perfect, the prettiest girl ever."



"see what..."

He looks at me, a lump in my throat attacks me, crawling to get out, screaming to let me crumble. .. I gave in. "Mason..."

"Cant you see..."
I like you.

"Oh.." Mason stops, i hold it in as best as i can.. "Y/n.. but.." He sighs, i watch as he scans my face. He lets out a deep breath. He looks at me with apologetic eyes..

"y/n... im sorry... i dont .. i dont feel the same way..."

I break.

I try to smile, "Oh.." i sigh, my heart feels like its about to fall out of my body, "Oh.." tears pour out of my eyes. A river floods me. i bite my lip, "Im sorry.." Mason tries. "No.. no its fine.. im just .. im just silly.." i try to laugh it off. "Just.. just why dont you like me..." I sniff "Y/n... your just my friend.. you arnt the bride. Your the best man."

why cant Earth takes me whole. i drown in my own tears. Have you seen the 1951 alice in wonderland.. where shes cries so much.. she sobs.. her little old heart out. it becomes an ocean. Cant the sea of tears drown me already.

" y/n.." masons voice a blur, a simple whisper. My heart burns, but he used no lighter. "Y/n its fine.. we can still be friends.." .

but i want to be your girlfriend. I dont want to be the best man, i want to be the bride. I want to look in your eyes and say.. i do.

"its.. okay.." i whisper, "You sure?" he says softly, he puts his arm on my shoulder, I play the fake image in my head...

"Mason i like you!"

"I do too..i like you .i love you. y/n.."

"Y/n?" Mason snaps me back to the real image.. the real world.. not the place ive been in my head for months. "Yea.." I say softly "I just really like blair.. and.."

"Mason. she doesn't even know you exist, SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND." i scream, mason sighs. He knew i was right, he knew i would never lie to him. "But.. it doesnt change the face that i dont like you.."  he looks down at his shoes. "Why dont you like me.."

"You're  just not very attractive.. to me.."

he shrugs, i look down, "Oh.. okay.." i sniff, "Sorry..your nice and all, but your just not my type.. Y/n im truly sorry.." he tries again.

"Its just a silly dream of mine.. a dream of mine to be yours."


Darling speaks.

Hi guys, im sorry if i made you cry :( This one.. this one is very personal. I had a crush on one of my best friend and he rejected me. his reason? I wasnt that attractive. To him. It shattered my world. I was so in love with him, all of my friende could say i was. I lost two people. The person who i thought would be my first boyfriend and my best friend. Mh friend since 2nd grade. gone. We dont talk anymore, and the announcement about donna was a teaser to his chapter. I was messing with yall! 😭 I love donna shes super kind and pretty.  I love you guys so much. Thank you for reading. And remember you are that girl. <3

Romance 𐙚 Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now