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" it's been 5 months jewel, besides I doubt my mate will accept me..."

Jewel looks at me sadly, almost as if pitying me.
"Well if he/she will reject you I will kill that person" she said while hugging me.

"Thank you jewel, I'm so lucky to have a friend like you" jack interrupted us that there have been change of plans and that the 3 strongest wolf pack is coming in 5 days...

"5 days?!!! Why the sudden change?!" Jewel asked, "they said that the alphas have another meeting at half way around the world and are gonna come back to go to our school." Jack said.

"Ok, thank you for telling us jack." I said.
"No prob." As he walked out of the room. I sighed softly. "Hey why the long face?" Jewel asked me.

"It's nothing" I said not to make her worry. "Nothing my ass, tell me or else I won't be your friend anymore" she said "that's even better!" I said as I clapped my hands.

"Hey!" Jewel shouted as I walked out chuckling. I then walked to a nearby shop for some supplies. As I got the stuff we needed I noticed a familiar face.

I rushed back home and panting heavily as I looked for jewel and found her in the basement.
I pulled her to the living room and she asked me
"What's wrong? Why you panting heavily like you just got railed"

I slapped her arm and earned a wince from her. "I saw uncle!" She then paled like she saw a ghost. "Uncle? Your uncle who abused you?!". She asked me and gripped my arms shaking me.

"Yes, him..." As I said that I couldn't stop the tears from falling onto my cheeks. Jewel grabbed a tissue and wipes my tears as she comforts me.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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