11 0 3

Few months passed since the school burnt down, but now it got rebuilt and everyone had to attend school again.. heh..

Mig and Pearl were preparing for school while Sensei made them sigma meal lunch 🤑

- "Oi.. I don't wanna go to school Today"

- "Me too, Pearl-sama, but we have to"

Pearl rolled his eyes, but he knew That they had to go to school anyway . So they took their school bags , lunch ,said bye to Sensei and left the temple.

On their way to school , they noticed that someone was following them..

- "Oi, Mig-chan, do you think that this creep is following us?"

- "Yeah... Let's walk faster"

So they did walk faster, but so did That beta!..heh..

Before they could do anything else, that creep Beta put bags on their heads and kidnapped them 😬🤯.

-------------------------   ???  ----------------------------

Pearl and Mig found themselves in a dark room, Tied up to 2 seperate chairs

They looked around the room before they Heard a door opened, followed by 3 unknown for them people entering the room.  A woman and 2 Alpha sigmas.

- " Well well well, who do we have here?" The woman said

- "erm...what the sigma! who are you?"
Mig asked , clearly confused . Why were they here? What did they do?

- "You don't need to know me, but if you really want to know my name, then I guess I could tell you"
she walked closer them, her eyes focused on both Mig and Pearl
- "My name's Nana, And that's all you get to know for now"

- " what do you want from us?!"

- "You Didn't read the letter I sent you, did you?" She asked , her voice filled with annoyance

- "Uhh...no?.."

- "I knew it" The Tall woman rolled her eyes
- "I'm here to claim the Ultimate Sigmas title, by eliminating you"

- "WHAT THE SIGMA?!" They both yelled in shock , what did that Beta mean by "eliminating" ?!

- "You Heard me, don't worry tho! It won't last for too long " She smiled at them.

And that was the last thing the two sigmas remembered before they woke up in an empty room

As they got up From the floor,they looked around

- "Gr.. where are we?!"

- "I don't know..but it's not so sigma of her!"

Suddenly, they felt something wet on their shoes...The room was floding!



Water filled the room pretty fast



Pearl and Mig desperately tried to find a way out

- "I think I found something!"
Mig said, she found a button! The sigma clicked it and the water stopped floding the white room

- "Woah..Good job!"

- "Thanks, Pearl -sama!"

A voice could be heard

- "grrr...how did you two stop the flood?!".  It was Nana's voice

- "I found a button" Mig replied, which seemed to make Nana even more angry than before

- "Grrr..Fine! You stupid baka's ! then I'll eliminate you myself!"


-"erm...what the sigma!"

The door opened and the 2 Alphas from before entered the room, taking out the two sigmas by force  .

They made their way to the room where they got tied up to the chairs, this time they faced the crazy frog woman

- "I..am TIRED of always being the second sigma! And it's time to change it.."

She took out the ultra skibidi gun and pointed it at the two sigmas

- "Not so fast, Nana"

They heard a familiar voice, and Turned their head towards it..IT WAS SENSEI!

- " SENSEI!" Mig and Pearl said happily

Sensei walked up to them with a serious expresion

- "Leave them alone, they didn't do anything to yo-"

She shot him.

Sensei fell down to the ground

- "Pathetic" Nana said ,glaring at the dead body of sensei, she kicked it to the side and walked up to Mig and Pearl

- "You...You killed sensei!"

- "I did, so what? It was his time anyway" She Didn't look like she felt any remorse for what she did

- "He was only 55!" Mig exclaimed in anger, but also sadness

- "Don't you have a flilping heart?! How could you kill him! who's going to take care of us now?!"

Nana just rolled her eyes at their anger

- "I never had heart for men, not even when I was married to one! Pathetic beings, who think they're better than anyone, oh I'm so glad I got divorced! Can you believe that the Sigma judge believed that my ex husband used to hit me? Stupid bakas!"  She laughed..damn , she really was a crazy frog.

she reloaded her Skibidi gun and pointed it at them again

- "Anyway, time to get over it. Which one of you want to die first?..heh.."

Suddenly...Nana went flying out of the window 🤯🤯

- "Girl shut up" Sensei said , looking at the broken window where Nana got threw out


- "Of course I am , A skibidi gun won't kill a sigma like me!" He laughed

They were more than happy to be all together again! They went out to their favorite Sigma ramen place and ate ramen together!

-----------------------Sigma Beach------------------------

Nana landed onto one of the bushes nearby the water of epic sigma beach.

- "Gr.... It's not over! I always cum back..."


Nyehehe 😈 stay tuned for nex chapters, sigmas!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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