Legend of The Man in The Sunflower Fields

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this short one-shot is based off of this tweet ^

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this short one-shot is based off of this tweet ^

I just couldn't get it out of my head and wrote this. Enjoy


Bdubs snuggled in his bed, hugging his plushies. Scar, his older brother, walked over and sat down in the chair near his bed.

"Did you brush your teeth?" Scar asked.

"Mhm!" Bdubs nodded, smiling brightly to show his brother.

Scar chuckled and smiled, ruffling his little brother's head.

"Good. Now, what do you want me to read you tonight?"

Bdubs shrugged and Scar smiled.

"How about I tell you something different?" Scar asked, leaning on his knees.

"Is there a dog in it?"

"Well uh- ...no."

Bdubs seemed less enthusiastic.

"Hey, come on, not all stories need dogs."


Scar smiled and sat up.

"This is a story about a man who lived in a sunflower field. He lived alone, and had many neighbors who stayed away from him."

"Why would his neighbors stay away from him?" Bdubs interrupted.

"Well, some saw him as being reckless and a danger to himself and others, others saw him as someone who would slow them down. So he lived by himself."

"He should get a dog." Bdubs muttered and Scar chuckled.

"The man was generally pretty nice. He didn't like to get in other people's business, and he just did his own thing. But one day, that all changed. People were finally being nice to him and all he did was retaliate with the opposite. He killed a woman's field of cows for no reason! She even allowed him to kill a couple of the cows for leather, it was him who took it too far."

"Why would he do that? People were finally being nice to him!"

"No one really knows." Scar shrugs, "He hit people who were already injured, he ignored those who were asking if he was okay, you couldn't get a straight answer out of him throughout the entire day. But every day after that, he acted as if it never happened."

Bdubs looked confused.

"Maybe he was just misunderstood." Bdubs said.

Scar smiled, "I think he was, too."

"What happened next?"

"Well, everyone just kept going without him. They all made risky decisions and ended in their downfall.

Soon, he stepped out of the sunflower field that was now wilting and dried up to see that he was the last survivor.

When given the option of collecting his prize or staying down in the hell the others left him in, he chose to stay to restore it back to the state it was in.

Legend says he still rooms the sunflower fields alone to this day..."

Scar finishes and Bdubs looks down.

"What's that story supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Nothing and yet everything at the same time."

"Scar, you're not making sense."

Scar chuckled and ruffled his little brother's head.

"Here, I'll read you some Pete The Cat instead."


Scar walked out of Bdubs' room and shut the door gently. He walked to the garage and opened up the way to the attic. He grabbed a box from there labeled 'ancestor's memories'. He opened the box and pulled out a journal that had sunflowers pressed in it.

At the very end of the journal stood eight words.

"How did the man with no friends win?"

Legend of The Man in The Sunflower FieldsWhere stories live. Discover now