Chapter 6 Part 2: Mass destruction

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So last chapter I forgot to put include what the new anti-solver looks like so here it is

I know it doesn't look that good I'm still trying to get better at drawing but in the future I might draw a better looking version of it

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I know it doesn't look that good I'm still trying to get better at drawing but in the future I might draw a better looking version of it.

V would be the first one to attack by charging at Cyn and trying to cut her down but Cyn would use her blade to stop V's attack. N would turn his hand into a rpg and start firing rockets at Cyn but Cyn would teleport out of the way from them but they would lock on to her so she would use her laser cutter to destroy them. Uzi would create multiple railguns and fire them at Cyn.

Cyn would move out of the way from them and would fire her rpg at Uzi. Uzi would use the anti-solver to catch them and launch them back at Cyn at a high speed catching her off guard but she would just catch the rockets in time using the solver and would use the null code to destroy them. Cyn would be getting annoyed and would decide to actually get serious.

Cyn would teleport around everyone and would teleport behind V and lunge on her and would begin to eat her but V would bite into cyn taking a chuck off of her body. Cyn would teleport off of V and would heal herself.

Cyn would make 2 new tentacles with one of them having a claw and the other being a flamethrower. Nori would use her pickaxe to try to chop off one of Cyn's tentacles but her claw would catch it and break it. "You got to be kidding me..." Nori would say.

V and N would decide to charge at Cyn and do close quarters combat together while Uzi would provide range support and Nori would use the solver to stop any attacks about to hit V or N. Cyn would be getting hit by slashes from V's high frequency sword and she would notice it's causing her to regenerate more slower. N would be hitting Cyn with a regular blade. Uzi would of created multiple Smg's and would fire them at Cyn's back.

Cyn would now start to feel something she has never felt in her whole existence. She would be feeling fear for her own life for the first time ever.
Cyn would try to teleport away but the V's slashes would limit her use of some of the abilities of the solver so she couldn't.

Cyn would have an idea on how to escape. After the constant attacking Cyn's body would be dead. Everyone would be happy but V wants to make sure she is truly dead. V would examine her body and would look at where Cyn's private part area would be. (she doesn't have any private parts I just don't know what to call that area.)

When V would would take a look there there would be a massive hole as if something clawed it's way out of Cyn. V would realize Cyn's heart escaped and she's somewhere. V would look around for Cyn's heart but she couldn't see it anywhere.

Everyone would hear something on the ceiling and would look up to see a bunch of centipede like bodys made from drones merged into one.
The thing would grab Cyn's body and would use it as it's head. "You should've went for the heart idiot." Cyn would say.

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