✦ { Nir } Contract Affair

31 3 0

CLIENT: Emerald_sky17

REVIEWER: nkvenus7878

💖 Cover Page: 4/5

The cover page for the book is really unique and matches with the characters and the plot. However, it misses a crucial essence, the name of the writer. It is suggested to include the name of the writer on the book cover for a more professional and conventional touch.

💖 Title: 4/5

The title "Contract Affair" truly resonates with the story's happenings as Taehyung and Yn are forced into marriage. It gives an immediate idea to the readers of what the story is going to be about and helps them visualise instantly.

However, a much better wording could've also been used as title. Nevertheless, it's absolutely fine either way!

💖 Blurb: 3/5

The blurb, similar to the title and cover page, is the first impression to the readers about the story. It also gives a quick and rough idea of how the story is going to play out.

Unfortunately, the blurb for "Contract Affair" is way too short yet to the point. Agreed that it mentions the main theme of the story, however, providing some information on other events is also worthwhile. It will help readers know more about the story.

💖 Characters: 5.6/10

Characters are a crucial essence to any story. Without any strong character development, appearance detail, background or description of their emotions, a story does not feel like a story.

In "Contract Affair", although the relative appearance of Yn and Taehyung has been visualised using graphics however, no clear description of the appearances of other side characters has been provided. Neither has there been much of character development for even the main leads nor much emotional background or any critical description. Everything is more or less just on the surface with less to no description.

A more touch on description and dialogues is suggested.

💖 Vocabulary: 4/5

The words used in the story and the precision with which they've been put in place is truly wonderful. There may however be a few typo errors here and there that can be resolved by mild editing.

💖 Grammar: 4.9/5

The grammar of the story is next to perfect with rarely any error. Wonderful on this part!

💖 Enjoyment: 5/5

No matter how the story has played out, it's truly entertaining for readers. From the subtle sarcastic scenes between Yn and Taehyung to those wherein the family pressure occurs, it's truly relatable and very understandable. The book truly helps the readers indulge into the storyline!

💖 Plot: 6.4/10

The plot, much like the character, is quite disappointing in "The Contract Affair". Plot is probably the actual essence of any story yet, the plot for this story is not very impressive.

More description and elaboration about events is absolutely required.

🎉 Total: 36.9/50

🎉 Percent: 73.8%

🎉 Overall Review:

Overall, the story requires a good amount of changes and some editing as well. Other than which more description and in depth illustration is required.

The first few chapters have turned out to be quite small which is not ideal for any book. Thankfully, that part has been taken care of in the further chapters. Moreover, the story appears to be in the format of a narrative with more dialogues rather than having the usual method of script in paragraphs. It is suggested that if such a format is to be followed, it would be better if some information about its format is given to the readers so that they can be well aware about what they're going to read.

The most dissatisfactory point about the book is the meagre character development as well as poor plot. Whether it's about their description, internal emotions, occurrence of events or anything else relevant, none of the points are covered in depth. The occurrence of events is also very fast paced and lacking proper description.

Ultimately, if the above said points are considered, then the book is definitely going to be one of the best ones out there. The story "The Contract Affair" indeed has good amount of potential and with good amount of input, it will definitely shine bright.

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