Modern Slang 🌸

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Modern Highschool Au!

Perhaps having Lynette absorb Lyney in the womb would've been beneficial towards Freminet. He loved his siblings dearly, really, he did, but even the most patient people aren't able to withstand lengthy lectures about niche topics.

"When two people love each other very much," Lyney pauses with a smirk and brushes his ash blonde bangs out of his eyes. "they engage in a certain... activity." Freminet gulps nervously.

Lynnette side-eyes her brother with fervour.

"Please, I beg the archons, don't finish that sentence." Both blondes stare at each for a bit. The taller with a smug grin, one that resembled that of a cat's, and the other frozen, with eyes blown wide. Before Freminet can say any more, his brother graciously babbles on. "You should trust me. I know plenty about this topic," as he pauses he sighs contently.  "Tomorrow, I'll finally be able to showcase this to Aether..." He materialises a rainbow rose out of basically nowhere and clamps it in between his teeth. His fingers run through his hair as he caresses the blooming buds.

Lynette looks nauseous.

"You don't even know if he likes men though..." Freminet finally pipes up after much internal debate. His sister smiles patiently at him. "Oh no, that guy for sure sucks di-,"

"Woah! This stuff is dope!" Freminet breathes a sigh of relief at yet another interruption to his sister's words. He turns to their new party member with a coy grin. Ga ming gushes over the rainbow rose still clasped in Lyney's mouth. His eyes light up with child-like wonder with his hair swishing by his shoulders. Maybe it was just him, but Freminet found it quite charming if he had to say so himself.
"I'm sorry, but what does dope mean?"  He tilts his head slightly as he asks and is met with exasperated looks from the twins. 

"Ah,'s like me saying that your hair is sick!  Yeah!  I think you're sick!"  Ga Ming punches the air with enthusiasm and beams at Freminet widely.  He smiles back unsurely.  "But...I'm not sick?  I think my immune system is doing alright at the moment."  The previously perplexed blonde brings a hand to his cheek (face cheek not the other one) and flinches at the unexpected heat.  He remains silent for a moment longer pondering the chances.  "Perhaps I really am sick..." 
Ga Ming hums to himself before cradling his other cheek and furrowing his eyebrows in concern.
"Fremi, you're heating up.  Do you wanna head to the nurse?" 
He purses his lips slightly, inching closer to the other until he could count the individual freckles that littered his face.
"No, no, I'll be fine."  He looks away again, his face only increasing in both temperature and colour.  "Maybe I just need to-,"
Freminet suddenly pauses with an odd expression.  "Ga Ming frowns with growing concern.  "M-maybe I just- ACHOO"
Freminet flushes crimson when the rest of the group double over in laughter. 
"Well, I heard that when you sneeze it means someone is thinking a lot about you."  Lyney pats Freminet's shoulder and leans against it.  "Is it Lynette, I wonder.  Or is it you?"  He turns to face Ga Ming with a smirk and with a flick of his wrists, doubles the rainbow rose from before in his mouth.
The brunette of the group waves his hands around in a panic at the assumption.  "What!  What, no...". He drawls his 'o's with coral-tinted cheeks.  Lyney hands both a rose with a wink tips his hat.  "Poof!  A magician must never stay too long.  C'mon Lynette! We have more important matters to attend to."  He hurls a stack of his cards that explode in clouds of smoke and dashes off down the hallway.
"If this is about Aether I'm disowning you as a sibling."  Lynette replies with little to no interest.

Once the two have left,  both Ga Ming and Freminet turn to each other in silence.  "Hey Fremi, come closer."  Ga Ming grabs his hand and with his free one tucks his rose behind his ear.  He brushes out the blonde locks and smiles lovingly at his work. 
Freminet short circuits for a few seconds.
"Thank you..." his response comes out as a whisper, almost inaudible, but Ga Ming catches the adoration lacing his words and in exchange lets a diffident grin creep onto his face.  He takes Freminet's rose from his hands, which were securely positioned by his sides stiffly, and slides it into where his ponytail is bound.  "Look!  Now we're matching."

The two are confused, that much is clear, but to others it's dreadfully obvious.  They're both undeniably smitten.  It'll take time, and perhaps it would take their entire lives to figure out, but they've already decided.  They would wait for each other as for long as the other needed.  And maybe eventually, they'll allow their love to bloom the same way the rainbow roses have.  Perfectly. 

AHHH IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT!!  I'll try to get my upcoming chapters to atleast 1000 words, but Writers block isn't very nice to me.  Anyways I hope you enjoyed!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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