Day 3. New Horizons

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Nova slowly opened her eyes, her mind slowly transitioning from the deep sleep state into wakefulness. She looked around the room, noticing some strange things: there were blinking lights on some of the equipment, and she could hear a faint beeping sound coming from somewhere nearby.

Nova sat up in bed, feeling a sense of unease. She had never seen these things before, and she didn't know what they meant. She decided to get up and investigate.

As she walked around the base, she noticed that the temperature was dropping, even though the heating system was still running. She also noticed that the wind outside was picking up, and the rain was becoming heavier.

Nova's heart started to beat faster as she realized that something was wrong.
As Nova looks outside the windows, her heart skips a beat. Strange, alien-like creatures are running towards the base, and they look like they're escaping from something. Whatever they're running from must be huge, far bigger than anything she's ever seen before.

Fear rises in her chest as she realizes that they might not be prepared for a confrontation. She quickly makes her way to the command center, where the others are trying to figure out what to do. They're all frightened, but Nova knows that they need to act fast if they want to survive.

She starts relaying instructions to the rest of the team, trying to come up with a plan on the fly. They're all trying to come up with something, but the situation is so dire that it's hard to think straight. They all know that whatever is coming, it's going to be a fight for their lives.

As the creatures get closer and closer to the base, Nova's mind is racing. She's thinking of all the different ways they could try to stop them, but she knows that they're going to have to get creative if they want to survive.

The team is getting ready for the fight of their lives, and Nova knows that they're all in this together. She tries to keep her cool, but she can't help feeling a sense of dread in the back of her mind. Whatever is coming, it's not going to be easy.

As Nova continues to explore the destroyed base, she suddenly spots a faint shimmer coming from behind some debris. She approaches cautiously, hoping it might be a sign of life. As she gets closer, she hears a faint voice calling out for help.

Excitedly, she starts to clear out the debris and soon finds her friend, Michael, who's still alive but severely injured. She quickly starts treating their wounds and helping them up.

As Michael starts to gather himself, Nova realizes that they have to get out of here quickly before the creature comes back. She starts making a really strong volt gun using any materials she can find in the destroyed base.

While Michael searches for anything else useful, Nova finishes making the gun and tests it out on a nearby piece of machinery, and is surprised to see it fry the equipment easily.

Together, they start to make their way towards the exit, fighting off any remaining creatures that come their way with Nova's newly built weapon. As they finally reach the entrance, they see that the creature is nowhere to be found.

They both exhale in relief and make their way towards the closest source of civilization. As they start to leave, Nova can't help but think about how lucky they were to have survived that encounter. But now that they're safe, they can finally take a moment to reflect on what they just experienced, and how it will change them forever. Michael thanks Nova for saving his life, and Nova is grateful for the opportunity to help her friend. As they start to leave the destroyed base, they both make a promise to each other to never forget what happened here, and to always be prepared for whatever might come their way in the future. The two of them are now even more determined to make their mission on Mars a success, and to discover whatever mysteries lie beyond the stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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