Chapter 1

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*Wedding Day*

Yn's pov

" Daddy, please don't let me marry some old person, please, Daddy." That's what I kept on hearing from outside of my older sisters dressing room.

I was about to enter my sisters dressing room in order to tell them that everything is ready. But when I came to the door I could hear my sisters begging my father to not let her marry in the Choi family. But then the next thing I heard broke my heart.

So let me talk about how my big sister got engaged mr. Choi's son. Our family's company was in trouble and was about to go down and my father got a solution and it was to let my sister get married to the Choi family's son. But my sister being spoiled and everything my parents always gives her everything and always takes her side and never mine, so when I heard she was being married off to some  rich,mean guy I was kind of happy. But it didn't end up like that.

^Back to listening in^

"Okay fine I will not let you get married to some stranger and he is not that old he is just 2 years older than you, and we need a plan because the Choi family already gave us the money to safe our company."

" Oh I got an idea Daddy, how about we give them yn I mean let her take my place, I'm far too pretty to get married now, Daddy."

" wow she never let me have anything not even my freedom." I said to myself.

"Okay yes let's do that and we will tell the Choi family that you can't so we will give them yn."

After listening to my family deciding to marry ME off to a stranger instead of my older sister, I swallowed my pride and knocked on the door and asked if  I can come inside... when they said come in, I went inside and the next thing I saw was there faces, they were smiling at me.

"Hi mom, dad... uhm so everything is ready and everyone is waiting." I said to them while smiling back at, but inside I was fuming with anger.

"Okay... honey... uhm so we have something to tell you, why don't you come sit next to me." My mother talked to me with a sweet voice, which she never does.

So I went to sit next to her and looked at her with a straight face.

"Listen your sister is not marrying today, you will have to take her spot." She said while smiling and playing with my hair.

"WAIT, WHAT?! Wow you guys never let me do anything you guys never give me anything... and you want me to take HER spot really." I was yelling at them going off and then my father smacked me and yelled :YOU are gonna take your sister's spot... you ungrateful little piece of shit.

While crying my sister looked at me with a smirked face and took her dress off and forced me to wear it( obviously my father went out after saying much hurtful words to me), and my mother was helping her put the dress on me and makeup me.

Auther here so I'm gonna ended it here with them forcing the dress and makeup. If you guys loved this fanfiction please vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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Forced to get married// Choi SeungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now