Chapter #1 " The Struggle "

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     She strolls though the village,  walking on the wet pitch road alongside the pavement glaring into the distance infront of her, the street lights above her flicker as she comes to an abrupt stop, the silence is overwhelming
"I know your there." She says . She can hear the wet hoofsteps advance toward her in the  distance, the blurry figure emerges from the darkness into the light .
"So you have finally found me, took you long enough"
The faun looks up at her , she's wearing a short black top and no pants, she's covered in fur from the neck down so it dosent matter, she has two big ram horns and weilds a massive battle axe.

"I've had tabs on you ever since you stabbed me in the back and left me surrounded by your little agency ,  Kai , it's only now I have the chance to meet you again face to face , since you hide like the little cowardly bitch you are."

Kai laughs " Oh please! , do you have any idea what you put me through?  Do you not remember all those things you did to me, Xan?! "

Xan laughs maniacally while looking up covering her face with one hand and holding the axe in the other.
Kai charges at Xan with her spear while she's not paying attention. In a split second Xan was already glaring at her while still laughing , out of no where a abnormally large brown wolf jumps onto Kai from atop a nearby building, Kai is pinned to the ground and struggling while the wolf growls, Xan kneels down to kai's face and says in a deep voice"

"Don't you even try to pull the victim card, you don't know what your cooperation does to people like me. You have no idea what they did to me in that facility for a whole fucking Year  all the grueling tests they performed day and night while I was helplessly strapped to a bed. How many times I was raped at night while my hands were tied behind my back and my eyes covered with a wet black cloth, I tried to get help but no one listened. It was dark. I was afraid and had no way of escape. Until This lovely woman came along"

Xan puts her hand on the Large brown wolf , named renata "she came to save her old friend and saw my helpless ass strapped limb from limb to a  cold white tiled wall with a few nurses about to operate on me , my head was tilted down , I had given up on life at that point, they stuck a bunch of knives and needles into my left thigh and my two arms without anesthesia , I dident care , everything was numb and I was depressed, tears flowing from my eyes but then the big glass wall infront of me shattered, Renata was in her wolf form and covered in blood from all the security she had to go through,  she clawed her way through all of the nurses and doctors and fucked up all of them one by one, Haru was riding on her back, when all the weird doctors and nurses were dead he jumped down and pulled all the knives and needles out of my body and unlocked the chains that bounded me to the wall, I feel like a corpse but hard caught me and held onto me, he jumped onto Renata's back and we all escaped the facility that day"

Hey guys, this is only the 1st page, I plan to write 8-10 to finish the 1st chapter , but we will see :)
Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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