.•and so we meet•.

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Hey there this is the first chapter where they meet I hope u enjoy:3

*Jake POV*
we ran sweat pouring from us I look back they are still chasing us adrenaline rushing through our bodies as we look around for someway of escape we kept running until we could no longer run as we found a cave for safety we looked back and they where gone "gosh I feel like I'm gonna faint" I heard Tara say beside me as she sat down "yeah me too I don't even know how we are still alive I mean look around us" how where we still alive after all of this "I don't know but I'm thirsty" Tara said as she took off her mask and drank water " I'll be back I'm gonna go get us more water I saw a river close by don't worry I won't be long" I got up grabbed my axe and went out I the cave "ok stay safe" I heard Tara say I couldn't imagine what I would do if she died she's been my best friend for so long I walked and then stopped*crunch* *step* *crunch* noise what is that someone is here no something is here *thump* *sigh* it's coming from the tree I walk up to it with my axe ready to swing

*Johnnie POV*
gosh oww shit fuck I tripped these stupid zombies gosh no time to waste oww I get up but it hurts I run until I loose the zombies I hear walking near I see I cave but who's out there maybe if I sneek behind the tree than run I'll make it in the cave fuck my ankle hurts *crunch* *crunch* *step* well I'm dead it's coming towards me I grab my arrow bag hang it on my back I grab my bow grabbing an arrow ready to shoot but as I see the figure stand in front it's a human a real alive human "who are you are you bit why where you sneaking" hot voice he's taller than me muscular he has dark black hair and he's holding a axe "no I'm not bit and I was sneaking because I'm trying to get to the cave and heard footsteps assuming that was you"I say as I lower my bow and arrow down he lowers his axe "well we are in the cave" we? there's more people "we? there's more" I say as I look at him "yes me and my best friend just us two you could join us if you want are you alone" hm not a bad offer after all I am alone I lost the only person that was with me "yes I'm alone I suppose if you don't mind I could join you guys by the way my name is Johnnie nice to meet you" I say as I take off my mask he's also wearing one I wonder how he looks without it probably very hot "oh I'm Jake nice to meet you too" he takes off his mask gosh he's fine "come on I'm gonna go get water and then we can go back to the cave" oh if only I could walk without my ankle hurting "oh um I can't walk my ankle is um I hurt it while running" I say looking down "oh um ok we can head back to the cave we have enough water we can get it tomorrow" he says as puts his axe on his back and picks me up I'm shocked but I just go with it since I can't walk "oh ok"

*Jake POV*
gosh he's cute I like him he has long black hair he's shorter than me and less muscular but he seems agile I look down at him as I pick him up after he says he can't walk he seem shocked by he doesn't seem to mind I walk until we reach the cave it wasn't far "hey Tara I'm back I found someone like us alive" I say as a set him down and set my axe down "oh he's not bitten right also he's hurt won't he drag us down" she says looking at Johnnie "no he wo-" I get cut off by him "it's ok I'll go you're right I'm hurt I don't want to drag you guys down" I look at him as he gets up and he picks up his arrows and his bow he starts to walk out "wait please wait" I yell after him "let him leave" I hear Tara say but I don't listen "Johnnie wait please wait" I run after him as he hears me yell he stops and looks back at me "what it's fine you're friend has a point I don't wanna drag you guys down after all we are not going to the same place" I hear him say where is he going I mean we are heading towards anywhere really "where are you heading we are just heading anywhere we find safe"

*Johnnie POV*
I don't wanna drag him down I'm hurt I don't want other people dying because of me "Johnnie wait please wait" I hear him call out "what you're friend is right we aren't even going to the same places" after all only we knew about the safe haven until he well died we where almost there and I will make it there he wanted me to make it there even if he died "where are you heading we are just heading anywhere we find safe" I hear him say I look up at him should I tell him yes they need to get there to "the safe haven"

*Jake POV*
the safe haven? that's a thing "safe haven? where is it" he looks down in his pocket he pulls out a map and a necklace covered in blood "I have the map it's located south to New York it's only like a 5 day walk maybe more" I hear him say gosh that's far what if it isn't even real "is the haven a real safe place" he looks down at the necklace "yes yes it is" he says he whispers something like he wouldn't lie "well then we should go together you won't drag us down we can all make it there safely" I say as I look at him he looks at me "I'm sorry but I can't have other people die again because of me always being hurt" what does he mean he starts to walk away as he puts on the necklace "wait please wait I beg please don't go" I walk up yo him and grab his hand he looks back at me "I'm sorry I don't want to drag you down let me go I'll give you the map I've memorized it anyway" I don't want the map I want to protect him "please you won't drag us down please now come on" I pick up and take him back to cave "I ok but please don't risk you're life for me" he says looking down at the necklace I would risk my life for him "ok I promise I won't" I lied

weeee I feel proud of myself sorry for doing a lot of pov switching but anyway I feel proud hope you guys enjoy it:3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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