First Day~

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It was Leiya's first day at her new school. As soon as she stepped into her new class, a bottle of water hit her head. Instead of protecting her or standing up for her, the young men in the class just laughed, especially the one wearing the black hoodie— Whose name was Heeseung. He is also the one who threw the water bottle at Leiya.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to." He said in a slightly mocking tone as he and his friends continue laughing.

"Sure you didn't, asshole." Leiya replied, grumbling under her breath. Heeseung smirks, clearly not bothered by Leiya's reaction, but finding amusement in the situation. He takes another step closer, invading her personal space with his tall frame.
"Careful there, Princess," He teases, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Don't want to get hurt on our first day, do we?"
"Don't call me princess." His smirk only grows wider, the corners of his mouth curling up into a teasing grin. He leans down a bit so that he can look directly into her eyes, the closeness between the two making it hard not to look up at him. "You're already off to a great start now, aren't you?" He chuckles, his hands finding their way to his hips as he looks at Leiya. "Princess.. I like the sound of that."


Heeseung raises an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eye. The other students around them have quieted down, intrigued by the interaction between the two. He doesn't seem fazed though, continuing his teasing demeanor.

"No? You don't like being called princess?" He tilts his head slightly, pretending to consider this information. "Well then, what should I call you instead? Sweetheart? Darling?" The mockery in his voice is clear, but there's something else there too. A challenge.
"No, I don't like any of those names call me by my name, It's Leiya. What's yours?" At her question, Heeseung finally straightens back up to his full height, crossing his arms over his chest. A brief pause follows before he responds, a small smirk still playing on his lips. "My name? It's Heeseung," He enunciates each syllable slowly. "But since we're on a first name basis now, you can call me Hee." His words laced with sarcasm, but there's a certain charm to his delivery. Despite himself, he finds some pleasure in this exchange.

"Okay Heeseung, now go back to your seat and quit bothering me." Leiya said with a soft smile, as if to soften the blow as she turned forward to face the front of the classroom. Heeseung raises both hands in a surrender, taking a step back from her. He grins widely, amused by her assertiveness. "As you wish Leiya, back to my seat I go." With a final glance thrown her way, he turns around and starts walking back towards his seat. His friends are throwing things across the class and screaming, but despite everything going on, Heeseung seems more interested in watching her than anything else.  From his vantage point, Heeseung watches as she settle's back into the lesson, seemingly unfazed by their earlier interaction. He can't help but let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head slightly at her obliviousness. "You really had me worried there for a second," He muttered under his breath, addressing the empty air in front of him. "Thought I'd actually managed to ruffle those pretty feathers..."

Despite his initial intentions to bully Leiya, Heeseung can't deny that there's something intriguing about her character. Her resilience and lack of fear are uncommon traits among the new students. Leiya holds in giggles once she notices Heeseung staring at her.

Feeling her suppressed laughter, he can't help but tilt his head towards her, his curiosity piqued. He leans back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest as he watches her. "Laughing at me now, Huh?" He asks, feigning hurt. "After everything I've done for you today?" There's a playful edge to his voice, but beneath it lies a genuine intrigue about why she finds humor in his antics. He's used to people either cowering or lashing out, but Leiya's response is refreshingly different.

"I'm not laughing at you, if you noticed anything other than yourself, you would see that I was holding it in." Leiya smirked.

Heeseung's smirk widened at her words, his eyes twinkling with mischief. He leans forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees as he continues to observe her.
"Oh, I see how it is," He says, feigning offense. "You think you're all clever and shit." His sarcasm is unmistakable, but there's a warmth in his tone that wasn't there before. Maybe it's because Leiya doesn't back down like everyone else does, or maybe it's just because she's amusing to him. "So tell me, Leiya," He begins, leaning back once more. "What's your secret? How do you keep yourself so composed when idiots like me are trying to rattle you?"

"I'm used to it, boys always pick on the pretty ones. Don't make yourself so obvious." She grins.

Heeseung raises an eyebrow, there's a hint of surprise in his expression, but he quickly marks it with his usual cockiness. "Is that right?" He muses aloud, studying you with newfound interest. "So you're just sitting here, waiting for us to mess up our approach, huh?" His friends beside him snicker at his comment, but Heeseung ignores them, keeping his gaze fixated on Leiya. This interaction has been far more entertaining than he thought it would be.

"Maybe, maybe I'm just waiting for you to get your act together." She shrugs. At her comment, Heeseung lets out a hearty laugh and claps his hands together in amusement. "Well don't you have a big head of yourself," He teases, but there's less bite to his words now. In fact, he sounds almost impressed. "I gotta say, I didn't expect someone like you to have such a sharp tongue." His eyes wander over your features again, taking note of the slight flush creeping onto your cheeks. He wonders if it's from embarrassment, or perhaps excitement— a thrill from their sparring verbal match.

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