How things started for the best ship in camp

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This is my first time witting an one shot

will solace was always there in Nico's life but he never knew how much of an impact he was until now...

"Nico where are you "Reyna said
"In my room "
" What do you have there? " Reyna asked.
Nothing, Nico replied
"Let me see that  you draw pictures of Will Solace"
"Please don't tell him, "Nico said
"Do you have a crush on him,"Reyna asked.
Yes, yes, I do. Nico replied.

Later that day
"Hey Nico, how are you"?
"I'm good Will"
"Actually, i need to tell you something "
"What is it Will" asked
"Can I tell you in my cabin?
"Yeah, let's go "
"Will, I've been thinking about this very long time".
" I like you a lot "
"I was wondering if you could be my boyfriend" ?
"Yes, Nico 1 million times yes "
"i love you "
Then we went for the kiss, unknowingly pussy, Jason and Annabeth outside the cabin door (aka the biggest solangelo shippers ever
"We have to run now"
" what do you mean?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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