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Shu woke up very uncomfortable. He looked around and saw that he was tied to a chair. The more he looked around, he realized Uki wasn't there. He immediately started to panic. The banana hair tried to free himself, but was unable. When all of a sudden, someone walked in...


"What do you want from me?" Shu yelled, looking toward the man.

The man laughed as he responded. "I saw you with Luca." Shu was confused when realization hit.

"You were the one following me in your car and at the mall!" Shu exclaimed.

"Oh, and I snuck cameras in your house." The man smiled. "Tell your brother his boyfriend is pretty."

Shu was stunned. "Why are you doing this?" He asked.

"Because I'm trying to make sure that Luca or his family don't do the same thing to you as they did to your parents." The man responded.

"What?!" The banana hair exclaimed.

"You didn't know?" The mysterious man asked as Shu shook his head. "His family was the one who killed your parents years ago. Luca was with them, and he help kill them. His parents were giving him practice for his future. I bet you he's out right now killing people looking for you so he can be the one to kill you."

Shu was absolutely stunned. He had no idea the person he was developing a good friendship and maybe a small crush was the person to help kill his beloved parents. Tears began to roll down his cheeks. "What if he doesn't know that it's me? What if he doesn't know he killed my parents?" The tied up man asked between sobs.

"Oh, he knows alright." The man stated. "I haven't just been watching you, you know. I caught him talking to his parents one day, telling them that he was making a friendship with you." Shu began to cry harder. "Oh, don't cry. He won't be the one to kill you. Not if I have anything to do about it."

Shu was an emotional reck. Angry, sad, confused, in pain. He didn't know how or what to feel at this point. One part of him was mad at Luca. Another kept saying he was just a child when it happened. He probably didn't have a choice! The last part of him was confused on why Luca would become friends with him when he knows he killed his parents.

The man walked over to Shu to hug him in an attempt of comfort. Shu tried to push him off, but he was still tied up. Soon, the man let go.

"Want to see Uki?" He asked as Shu's face lit up.

"Yes!!" The banana hair exclaimed.

Before the man left he untied Shu. Then, he walked out to fetch his brother.

Shu was finally able to look around the room fully. He saw a bed, a dresser, and an odd door. He walked over to it and opened it to find a bathroom inside. The room was like a mini hotel room, but without a living room or mini fridge and microwave that most hotels had.

Outside the door the man left through, Shu heard Uki screaming to be let go of. He hurried near the door as it opened. Shu saw 2 men holding a mad and annoyed Uki. Behind them, was the mysterious man from earlier. The 2 men let go of Uki. The second the violet hair saw his brother his face softened and ran towards him. The 2 siblings wrapped their arms around the other and embraced each other in a tight hug.

"You two may stay in here together and I will go get some clothes for the two of you." The man from earlier said. The 3 men left the room and locked it behind them.

The 2 siblings sat down on the bed as Shu caught up Uki on everything. Uki was shocked and confused as tears started falling down his cheeks. The older hugged the younger again in an attempt to calm his down.

Soon enough, the man came back with some clothes. He gave the 2 pajamas and put the rest on the dresser. He also had brought them food. The siblings ate and soon fell asleep in each other's arms.


I'm backkkkkkk~

The play went well and I had an awesome break. I will be slow on updating because I'm going on a trip for over a week-

Sorry for the angst btw-

Words- 760

See you in the next chapter!

-Your lovely nonbinary writer 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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