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"Mmm..." A lady walked around in a white coat, making it clear that she was a scientist. She arrived at a room that said "Test Subject" and the number "0015", where she saw a blonde-haired boy with red features and slightly green eyes.

"Daju, are you okay?" the lady asked. The boy, Daju, simply turned around and nodded in response to her question, while she reviewed the information on a piece of paper.

Name: Daju
Age: 16
Level: 5.6
Ability: Unknown
Male gender
Crime: A little violence

While the lady was checking the paper, she left it on the counter. At that moment, her boss, Hul, a man with green hair and soft yellow eyes, entered the room and saw Daju inside a square-shaped, sturdy glass room. It could be said that each line of the painting measured 10 meters and there was a distance of 2 meters between them. Hul approached the woman.

"Listen, I want you to take the condemned man to the experiment room. It's his turn," Hul said seriously to the woman, who nodded a little worried about Daju. While she prepared everything, she opened the square cell where Daju was kept for him to come out. Daju had his hands tied with anti-skill handcuffs as he was taken to a room where several scientists were studying something.

"Hmm..." Daju saw a black mass with red stripes on the table, trapped in a bucket. It was what the authorities called a "symbiont", although they used people to test it.

"Well, Mr. Daju, I want you to approach the symbiote, but be careful," the boss spoke through a speaker that was in the room, while he was in a booth or another room from where he could communicate with the subjects. test through a microphone. Inside the room, there were other scientists.

"Apparently, you guys never change. When humans find a weapon for their benefit, they do anything to control it..." Daju said, knowing that that bastard Hul was watching through the cameras in the room. Hul simply sighed and continued with the instructions he had given her.

The slimy mass began to move when the jar or, rather, the bucket containing it opened, releasing it. The black mass with red stripes seemed to be alive and approached Daju, who remained motionless. The symbiote approached its new host and began to rise from Daju's chest, slowly bonding within his body. It was completely 100% linked, although scientists expected it to be compatible with the human body.

"Mm... ahg..." Daju let out a pained groan, as he felt as if someone was inside him, or rather, someone who wanted to control his body.

"As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, the project is over," the chief said, thinking that they could now control the symbiote. The other scientists were confident and excited, believing they were witnessing a breakthrough. However, suddenly, the soldiers guarding the cube, who were high-ranking or elite, began to hear very loud banging and banging noises, as if something was trying to get out of the square cube that surrounded the room with the symbiote and the condemned man. .

"PAAM... PAAM... PAAM...!!!!!"

One of the soldiers approached to check if everything was okay inside the cube, but when he was just a few centimeters away, a black tentacle with red stripes grabbed his head and, in a second, squeezed it so hard that it exploded. in pieces. The tentacle remained among the other soldiers, who became alert due to the unexpected threat.

The soldiers were slowly approaching, activating their abilities, when suddenly someone unknown blew up the room where they were. Chaos broke loose, and in the midst of the confusion, a tentacle grabbed one of the soldiers.

"No no!" the soldier shouted, while more shouts were heard. The five remaining soldiers prepared to face whatever was to come.

Through the haze of dust, they could see a figure three meters tall. He was a humanoid being, completely black with red stripes, muscular and with white eyes. His sharp teeth were capable of tearing human flesh with ease. This was the symbiote, which had apparently fused with the test subject.

The symbiote growled as the soldiers fired a laser variant in the form of spheres at it. The shots passed through his body harmlessly, as the symbiote could regenerate quickly. The creature launched eight tentacles from its back, quickly trapping the soldiers.

Two of them were thrown against the wall, crashing violently. Two others were crushed by the tentacles, causing their heads to explode from the impact and dying. The last soldier was drawn towards the creature, which opened its mouth, showing its sharp fangs and tearing awaycutting its head and then devouring it.

"GRRRRRRRRR...!" The symbiote let out a loud scream as he growled.

Hul and the other scientists were in a state of shock. As they watched and reviewed the security footage, Hul thought about how they could use the symbiote as a weapon to enhance high ranks or even gods, making them invincible. However, he realized that he had made a mistake. As the scientists left the room in search of a safe place, he saw in one of the chambers how the symbiote approached and passed through the chamber with one of its tentacles, rendering it unusable.

"Sir, we must evacuate before that monster kills us all," said one of the soldiers who was next to the chief, waiting for orders.

"Prepare everything to evacuate and call my reinforcements. We must try to control or neutralize the creature," the chief ordered as he left with the soldiers.


Room 3300:

The symbiote broke the door to the room, revealing a pile of corpses of soldiers who had tried to neutralize it without success.

"Grrrr...?" The symbiote saw three cubes containing its fellow symbiotes, which had arrived on the meteorite that fell at that location. He approached to try to rescue and free them, but was interrupted by three soldiers who attacked him.

The symbiote silently punched one of the soldiers in the face, throwing him against the wall. With a wave of his tentacle, he pushed the other soldiers away, showing his annoyance towards the humans and considering them obstacles in his plan. Just as he was about to take out the first cube containing another symbiote, a large explosion echoed throughout the room, making the symbiote writhe in pain.

"GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!" The symbiote clutched its head, feeling like the connection between the human test subject and it was breaking. Suddenly, six tentacles emerged from his back, trying to silence the room's speakers to prevent the connection from breaking. Annoyed, the symbiote began to spin rapidly, creating a strong wind and forming a tornado. The tornado caught some soldiers and corpses, devouring them as it spun, until it finally disappeared.

The symbiote, realizing that there was nothing else he could do at that moment, thought about continuing the plan to free the other symbiotes, although he had to leave that plan for another day and decided to return to his normal form. He entered Daju's body again, joining him. Daju was lying unconscious on the floor when some soldiers approached and, seeing the situation, decided to take him to a room where he could rest. However, they also had to inform his boss so she could decide what to do with him.

While they were carrying Daju's body, who was still alive, he opened one of his eyes. Instead of being green, his eye was now black with red stripes. This made us notice that the symbiote was still present inside him, wanting to learn more about this life and start a conversation with its host.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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