Love And Hate

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Feral: ...

T-X: ...

Feral: ..? ..!

T-X ..! "Attacks him"

Feral: ..! "Dodges it and touches her hand" wtf.. are you doing?

T-X: ...! "Pushes him in the wall"..

Feral: ..!? "Grin" XD..!

T-X: "Smirks".. "kisses him"

Feral: ..!

T-X "Stops".. sorry. I had to.

Feral: .. you.. are that terminator.

T-X: Yes.

Feral: ..

T-X ...

Feral: What are your morals? As you are a machine?

T-X i'm half human and machine.

Feral: No you are not Xd..

T-X: ... "looks at him".

Feral: So.. do you love killing?

T-X: Yes.

Feral: ... Do you hate it?

T-X: No.

Feral: ..

T-X: I love killing everything. Kids.. adults and animals. Insects.. anything and everything.

Feral: ..! XD "Grin".. "this bitch is crazy.."

T-X: "Smiles"..

Feral: Why not kill me then?

T-X: Bc i like you.

Feral: ..!

T-X: ..! "Puts her leg next to him" And.. i want you.

Feral: Shit..!

T-X: .. Come on.. you wild beast.

Feral: ..! XD

T-X: Or do i have to need to force you into this..!?

Feral: ..!

T-X: "Attacks him" "Furiously"

Feral: ..! "Dodges her and fights back" "grabs her and throws her to the ground"

Fuck sake.. stop!

T-X: "Smirk".. not bad. Then how is this!

Feral: "Grin"..! XD..! FUCK!

After that T-X and Feral fought. T-X tried to hit him grab him and choke him with her legs.. failed.

Bc Feral pushed her down and avoided her. Attacks. All of them..

Instead she got fumbled down. Hard

But Feral didn't hit her.

Until she said.. hit me. HIT ME!

And she pushes Feral down..

But Feral get's back up..

T-X: Approaches him..


Feral: "Grin".. XD..!

T-X: Have you had enough..? Xd

"Puts her shoe on his body"..


Feral: "Grins".. fuck..!

T-X: ..!

Feral grabs her leg and smashes her down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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