1 : Lotus / Flight

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Aramoto (Y/N) would rather jump off a bridge than go to school.

In front of her stands Yako Junior High School, imposing as it looms upon her, multistoried. The sensible, logical, action is clear: find a teacher, explain her situation, and carry on. But it's her first day of school as a transfer student, and she would rather not take any sensible or logical actions knowing what would happen if she did. Introductions are dreadful.

Taking out her phone, she searches for "Yako Junior High School". Dozens of search results pop up, but Google thankfully supplies her with a phone number to call. In a fight or flight situation, (Y/N) supposes she chooses 'flight".

A voice quickly picks up. The woman on the other end has to ask (Y/N) what she's calling for, because it takes her a second to realize what she's even doing. (Y/N) tries to channel her best adult mom voice, and with all of the knowledge of extremely polite, formal, Japanese, sputters out:

"Hello! I apologize for the bother," she begins, wondering if she even sounds old, "This is Aramoto Mizuki. My niece, Aramoto (Y/N), is unable to make it to her first day today. We've been summoned to the local ward office for immigration paperwork. I'm truly sorry, please excuse us."

The woman pauses for a moment. Oh, this is bad. Her keigo is atrocious, she must be thinking, or maybe there's no way that being summoned to a ward office is a legitimate thing. And even if it were, couldn't they have done it in their spare time and not on an important day? (Y/N) must have doomed herself and her family with such a pitiful attempt of lying--

"Oh, is that so? No worries. As long as she'll be able to come in tomorrow," the woman laughs.

Huh? "Of course," (Y/N) laughs. She is laughing like how a grown woman would laugh, right? She thinks about how rich people laugh at country clubs and wonders if that's a good reference. "Thank you so much!"

"Of course," the woman echoes. "Well, if that's all. Have a nice rest of your day."


The lady had already hung up. Maybe (Y/N) really did fail miserably and they were probably calling her real Auntie Mizuki's phone right at that moment.

(Y/N) had already picked up on "flight" from the situation, running along the school walls and back to the train station she'd just come from. Some students pass by (Y/N) confused as she weaves through them, but she chooses to ignore them. Her new loafers are too stiff and new for running, but the clicking they make as they hit the pavement helps soothe her just enough.

In the end, (Y/N) couldn't bring herself to go to the train station after seeing a police officer talking to some students at the gate, clearly reprimanding them. Maybe they're ditching, just like her.

After turning back to pacing around the school walls, (Y/N) finally resigns to hide in between a few bushes and a power generator. It covers her barely enough to make (Y/N) feel safe, even if it's mildly uncomfortable squatting down the way she is. Regrets surface. Maybe she should have bit the bullet and just shown up to the faculty office, but she's already so far gone that she genuinely would rather sit on dirt for the entire day. Patience is a virtue, isn't it?

It's horrible. Every time (Y/N) thinks she hears someone walking by, her heart rate increases. It feels like forever, and (Y/N) thinks about throwing her phone at the wall when she sees that only fifteen minutes have passed by since she'd first started hiding. School started around 8:30. Around 9, she contemplates giving up and walking around. Maybe her mannerisms scream foreigner enough to avoid police. She could probably get away with being a weird girl cosplaying as a school student if she tried hard enough. (Y/N) is about to resign to the idea when she hears a pair of voices coming her way.

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