⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Whaaat? ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅

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(This chapter is a flashback of Y/n, when Rin and Sae had the argument after Sae came back from Spain)

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You were woken up to knocking on your window and you anxiously woke up. You saw Rin outside and his tear stained face. Your eyes widened and opened the window.

"Rin- What happened?!" You ask as he climbs into your room and hugs you.

"I don't want to talk about it. Let me stay the night." He muttered as he took off his shoes and flopped onto your bed and closed his eyes. You sigh and your eyes softened at his face. You lie down next to him and got into the blankets.

"That's alright. Just sleep now, be out of here before 6am because that's when Tsugmi drags me out of here for morning duties at school." You muttered and closed your eyes.

"Sounds good." You hear Rin reply and then you turn off the bed side light and fell asleep.

(End of flashback, now it's U20 arc)

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You currently were watching the U20. You and the Itoshi brothers have been hanging a lot together but it never felt the same. They always bickered and you always had to break them up. Nonetheless, you always hung out with them because you haven't seen them in a long time.

You were sad and lonely when Rin left for blue lock, but Sae was there to hang out with you when he came back to Japan. When Sae left for Spain, Rin always hung out with you. So it was fair.

You watched as they ran across the field and you cheered them on till your voice was hoarse. It was hard to cheer for Rin and Sae when they were both on opposing teams.

Once the game was over, Blue Lock won 4-3, you went to congratulate Rin first, when you walked over to him he had this look on his face. You did notice Sae saying something to him. You were confused but still went up to Rin.

"Wow Rinnie! You were great out there! I'm so happy for your win!" You say and hugged him despite him being sweaty. You didn't care. Rin had a surprised look on his face and placed his hand on your head.

"Thanks." He says blankly before you pull away from the hug. "I better get going. I'll be back." Rin says and you nod. Now it was time to find Sae.

After a while you saw Sae leaving the locker room and you smiled.

"Sae! You were really good out there!" You congratulated him even though his team lost.

"Oh. Y/n. Thanks." He said and there was an awkward silence before you broke it.

"Uhm...So! Where do you and Rin want to go for dinner tonight? Just to y'know...to celebrate?" You ask and saw Sae look down then back at you.

"I actually decided not to come to the dinner tonight. I'm sure you understand I'm really tired." Sae said and you nodded. You actually were really disappointed since you like hanging out with both of them. But it was alright!

"Oh. I get it! It's fine. I'll figure it out with Rin later. Bye bye!" You say and left as you dialed Rins number to ask where he went.

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Later as the evening went on, you and Rin decided on your guys favorite restaurant you used to go to all the time when you both were in middle school.

As you were walking there you saw Sae.

"Oh! Sae! You decided to come?" You say remembering you texted Sae what restaurant you and Rin decided to go to.

"Yeah actually, I haven't been to this place in a while." Sae said and walked in with you as you saw Rin sitting at a table.

"Oh! I see Rin. C'mon!" You say excitedly as you sit down in the booth. "Sae decided to come with. Did you already order?" You ask and you notice how the atmosphere changed. Then Rin looked at you.

"Yeah. I ordered your favorite and I ordered my regular. I didn't know you were coming nii-san. So I didn't order for you." Rin says blankly and you look at Sae.

"That's fine, I'll order when the waiter comes back." Sae says, sounding a little annoyed but brushes it off quickly.

When the waiter came back with the food, Sae then ordered. It was fun talking with Rin, but Sae hasn't said anything.

While you and Rin were in the middle of talking about a new horror movie, Sae interrupted. "That movie was so mediocre. My ears are hurting now because you guys won't stop talking about it." You confused at his sudden attitude, but then again....It's Sae Itoshi. He almost never has an attitude.

"Whatever Nii-san. You don't even know anything about it." Rin argues as you eat your sushi, watching this all unfold in front of you.

"Don't call me that." Sae muttered and you couldn't help but notice how Rin's gaze fell, "What did I expect? A lukewarm person watching a lukewarm movie. It suits you." Sae say plainly and you feeder Rin's eye twitch.

Rin rolls his eyes before abruptly getting up and placed money down on the table. "Here. There's the money for dinner. I'm going now." Rin says and you looked a little surprised.

Once Rin left you turn to scold Sae but then you see him getting up and leaving. "Thanks for the dinner. Bye." He says blankly and you got up following.

"Hold on! What was that all about?! Can you both go one day without arguing? Honestly-"

"Can you shut up, Y/n? You don't know anything." Sae says and you were taken aback.

"Excuse me?! How could you- Ugh! Y'know what, just leave already." You yelled and Sae nodded.

"I was already planning to do that." Sae said and got into a taxi. You sigh and went to go look for Rin when you see him up ahead.

"Rin! Wait!" You screamed and you ran after him. He turns around and his eyes widened at you.

"Y/n? Why are you following me you idiot." Rin says but you were too busy catching your breath.

"Because I was going to apologize to you. I didn't know Sae was coming with us. I don't know why he has such an attitude." You said and Rin nodded.

"Right. It's fine I guess." Rin muttered looking down and you sigh.

"How about...we go to my place and have a movie night? Just to...appropriately celebrate your win. Sound cool?" You noticed how Rin was looking a bit hesitant. "We can watch your favorite horror movie?" You added and then Rin looked at you.

"Sure, I'd like that." He said and you smiled.

"Alright! Let's go then." You said as you both started walking to your place.

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An/ first chapter woohoo!

Word count - 1164

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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