twenty five

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sienna brushed her blonde strands of hair, jasper watched her quietly

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sienna brushed her blonde strands of hair, jasper watched her quietly.

"sienna" he started,

"what's going with you and bella? what did she mean by you having every guy wrapped around your waist?" jasper asked.

"are you actually serious?" sienna faced him, jasper glared at her. sienna cleared her throat softly,

"do you remember jeffery?" she asked, he nodded. "that was a boy who bella had a crush on when she lived with me and my mom for a while. they were always together, playing and doing things together. i usually stayed in the house because i got sick easily, but one day i went outside to play and jeffery eyes caught into me" sienna said,

" i didn't know what to do since this was my first firmed as a guy so i accepted his friendship but years ahead he wanted more and he forced me to kiss him, if which bella caught us. i tried to explain but she didn't want to hear anything from me..." she explained,

"and another situation happened where i was with this boy who i liked, and he eventually told me that he got close with bella so he could become friends with me and eventually date me." sienna said, "it's only happened twice where one of bella's guy friend have tried to get with me, i promise jasper" she looked at him.

"jeffery was the one who took your virginity right?" he asked, sienna nodded. jasper sighed deeply,

"jasper it doesn't mean anything! i claimed it back, i hadnt had sex in almost two years!" sienna panicked,

"sienna it's okay, im not mad at you" jasper caressed her face, "your sister is getting in my head..don't worry" he kissed her softly, sienna kissed him back.


it had been about three months as bella distanced herself from sienna and nearly everyone except jacob, sienna noticed it as well. jasper started coming over less, once every week.

"you don't wanna see me?" sienna joked, jasper smiled at her.

"i've been busy with keep things correct and moving" he uttered, he kissed her head, sienna kissed him passionately. she pulled in on his shirt, jasper hand rubbed her ass, he squeezed the extra weight in between his fingers. sienna pushed him into the chair, and climbed on top of him.

"did you talk to charlie about the college situation?" jasper asked,

" a little bit...he agreed but he wants to wait till my birthday" she said, she sat in his lap. "he tells me that once i turn 19, im able to do what i legally want besides drinking" she giggled.

"we have a couple of months ahead of us, so we don't have to rush anything.." jasper tells him, sienna nods and get up, jasper reaches for her waist. "you can still sit.." he chuckled, she laughed at him and sat back down.

"im not rushing you..." she said, "im just ready for get pounded"sienna smiled, jasper ears turned pink.

"sienna please.." he chuckled softly,

"im serious" she said, her hand massages his crotch, "can i touch it?" sienna begged, jasper shook his head.

"why not? i let you touch me!" sienna giggled,

"wait till your birthday.." jasper whispered lowly, he kissed her neck, she grabbed his face.

"you promise?" she smiled, jasper nodded.

"i promise" he said, sienna kissed him softly and got up.


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