yo, I've decided to actually start writing chapters(after this chapter) for the entire episode instead of half an episode.  now enjoy.


"That's Fish Gills??" Sweat rolled down my cheek. "Yep! The one and only." Meliodas replies, chuckling. "He actually looks manlier now..." I mutter, "I thought he'd become that one stereotypical femboy in anime."
"Well, we haven't seen him since 10 years back, y'know?"
"I guess you're right."

"I suggest figuring out how to get out of those bonds instead of wasting your time here,"  Fish Gills warns. "What a total party-pooper..." I say, as Fish Gills places his sword right next to my neck— I should word that better. "The only time you'd be able to behead Rimuru is if you're stronger than her." Meliodas nonchalantly breaks out of the bonds, Diane doing that as well.

"If you're blaming me as the reason of your dad's death, then don't be so sure about that," Meliodas looks towards the sky, "to be honest... I don't really remember what happened 10 years ago."

"The last thing I do remember was being summoned to the outskirts of the old castle."

No, no, not the flashba— 10 Years ago.

"I wonder why the grandmaster summoned us all the way here?" (Diane)
"Maybe because he'll give us some special rewards!" (Ban)
"I don't really care anyway, let's go to the festival once we get our reward." (Meliodas)

"I don't sense anything coming from the grandmaster though?" Rimuru, using magic sense during that time, notes. "He must be preparing to surprise us, right?" Diane laughs nervously.

As the door soon opened, the sins are left with shock. The door revealed the grandmaster with dozens of spears and swords impaled into him. Soon, warning bells started to ring as the eight realize that it was a trap. "We have to split up, everyone!" Meliodas says, "we'll meet some time later again!" The others wave off. Shit— he's getting pissed off. Rimuru thinks as Merlin prepares to seal Meliodas' powers as his emotions started to elevate to a dangerous level. "Merlin, don't do that. I'll be with him to watch over so you don't have to worry about anything, alright?" She nods, staying with us to simply study Rimuru's magic.

"Sorry Meliodas," Rimuru apologizes, before knocking him out. Ciel had replaced his memories of Rimuru's involvement with Merlin to prevent him from attempting to do anything to Rimuru. The tsundere thing.

End of flashback. Well, that was more of my side anyway. I'm pretty sure Elizabeth was involved with Meliodas' emotions, however.

"After that, all I remember was Merlin standing before I got knocked out. She was saying something but I have no clue what it was about.  I'll ask her once we find her."

"Next thing I knew, I woke up in a cell with Rimuru and a little pig who you now know as Hawk." Diane scoffed, "inseparable best friends, huh? I'm wondering when did you and captain meet anyway? I've been wondering why ever since the first day I met you."

I brought my hand to my chin, "Well..." I started, "Meliodas just wanted to see how strong I am, so I—"
"That isn't answering my que—" Thunder sounds whilst lightning strikes the three of them.

"Enough with your prattling," Fish Gills threatened, "I do not care if you did not assassinate my father. You have attempted to overthrow this kingdom. You are nothing but traitors."

"Gilthunder, you're wrong! You've heard what sir Meliodas said!" Elizabeth exhasperstingly exclaims, "they weren't involved in the murder of the grand master!"
"Elizabeth," Fish Gills turned to her, "the kingdom has given the order to place you into protective custody." He points his sword at her, "I do not care about that. Alive or dead, you are nothing to me." An audible gasp came out of Elizabeth as he removes her bonds, "get out of here. The only people in my way are the sins."

< W- wait— I thought you said Fish Gills was pretending? >
<< Affirmative, he has no intention of harming anyone. Would you like for me to tell him to stop the act? >>
< Oh, then tell him he can break his character after Elizabeth leaves. >
<< Alright, dear. Imaginary smooch. >>
< Did you just do that flying kiss thing? >
<< That is just your imagination. >>
< Oh okay... Whatever you say, tsundere. >
<< I will not be aiding you in simple matters such as this from now on. >>
< N— no!  Don't leave me, partner! >  I imagined myself grasping the air as I attempted to reach for Ciel.  Damn, I guess I'm on my own, now.
<< Worry not, I shall be giving suggestions from time to time. >>

Fish Gills has probably seen the outcome of what Elizabth would do. I can hear his thoughts so clearly, she's so brave! I wish I could let out these tears from her heroism, but I must keep up the act! Sorry, Elizabeth... "I won't let you lay a hand on them!" She says, acting as a shield for us. Huh, that's nice... I forgot about that goddess' stubborness.

Hawk was complaining before unfortunately(rest in peace buddy) being kicked away into the distance. "Hawk!" Elizabeth came after him, soon disappearing into the distance as well.

"That's a nuiscance we don't have to deal with anymore." Fish Gills walks over to us.

"You sure you'd be able to beat me or Rimuru?"  Fish Gills sweatdropped, "nah, I'd win."  He starts laughing/crying, "I can't believe I hurt the person I've sworn to protect's feelings..."  He enthusiastically cried, is that even a thing, though?  "Well,"  Meliodas chuckles, "wanna spar?"  Fish Gills enthusiastically replied, "to think I'd be able to spar with Meliodas again–"  He cries, "bliss!"


Yelping, Elizabeth looked behind her as she both heard and felt the ground shake from the lightning's impacts.  "Sir Meliodas..."  She looks with worry.


"I can't believe you've gotten this powerful!"  Meliodas chuckles, dodging another attack.  "I've been practicing, I'm still not as strong as you, though."  The tears still kept streaming down.  Shouldn't he be dehydrated by now?   I mean, look at the amount of water he's been spilling!

"I've caught you off guard, Meliodas!"  Fish Gills cuts the demon.  I know he's good at healing, but he needs his skill that I gave him to activate so he can release more of his sealed aura.  So he's probably going to be out for a while after.

I'm not sure why he never uses the skill I gave him though.  Oh yeah, he doesn't want to lose control and decimate a country again.

"Oh yeah, where are the other sins?"  Meliodas inquires, shrugging off the huge slice as Fish Gills profusely apologizes for accidentally cutting him.  "I believe you'll find one of them in Baste Prison, and another in Necropolis."  Meliodas gives a thumbs up, "sorry Lil Gil, Diane's gonna throw you back,"  Fish Gills nods,  "this is my punishment for hurting both you and Elizabe—"  Aaaand he was off.

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