Originally posted to Ao3 in May of 2024

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This work is originally written by me, and (hopefully) has only been posted by me. This was originally posted to Ao3, but I decided since I used Wattpad as my docs (instead of Google or literally anywhere else) I thought I should post it here too.

Cover art is not by me. Credits to Dan Mora.


It was maybe 2 weeks after a big battle that the JL decided to meet up. Not to talk business, but as friends, so they met up out of costume. Only issue with this is that only Clark knows Batman's identity (y'know, with them dating and all) so no one else knew if the man walking through the door was the dark knight or not.

"You sure spooky is coming?" Hal asked Clark. Clark nodded in response. 

"Yes, he told me he would." Clark said confidently.

"And you trust his word?" Hal asked. He's never been a huge fan of Batman; they don't get along too well. 

"Yes. He would've said no when I asked him if he would come if he didn't want to."

"So why isn't he here yet?" Barry asked. He didn't mean it the way Hal did, he kinda liked Batman in a way, not romantically of course, but he genuinely likes the guy.

"He's a very busy man!" Clark defended his boyfriend.

They would've met up sooner, but a few leaguers needed to heal up a bit. Clark had been exposed to a dangerous amount of Kryptonite, Batman got injured (most members weren't told how exactly he was injured), Green Arrow broke a bone, etc. But now that they were mostly healed, they thought it would be a good idea to meet up.

"Are we paying for our own drinks?" Arthur asked.

"B's picking up the tab." Clark replied after taking a sip of his drink. 

"Spooky's paying? What, is he rich?" Hal asked sarcastically. No one really understood Hal's distaste for the Bat, but they never really questioned it.

"Something like that." Clark said sweetly with a smile on his face.

The door to the bar opened catching Clark's attention. Hal and Barry saw Clark turn to the door and looked too, hoping they would finally get to see who it was under the cowl. All they saw was billionaire Bruce Wayne come in along with other billionaire Oliver Queen (aka green arrow). Barry sighed, realizing it wasn't the bat in black, but just some billionaire from the next city over. They are in Metropolis after all, and Bruce is seen in the area after Galas and Balls, which he just attended. Hal on the other hand, his eyes lit up like stars. He loves Bruce Wayne. He's a huge fan of him. Bruce and Oliver walked close by their table, no one at the table questioned it since you have to walk near/past their table to get to the bar. But Hal being a huge BW fan caught his and Oliver's attention getting them to slow their walk and come to a stop near him. 

"Bruce Wayne! I am a huge fan of yours!" Hal said cheerfully. Bruce just gave him a confused look in return, then a small smile plastered itself on his face as he slowly started walking forward again.

"I don't think you're as big of a fan as you think you are." He informed Hal. This statement, or whatever you'd like to call it, caught the attention of every member of the league that was present, all of them were confused. Except Clark and Oliver. Clark wasn't confused, he just smiled sweetly at Bruce. 

In order for Bruce to get to the bar, he'd have to pass Clark, so that's what he did, but what he did on his way past Clark is what got their jaws agape. Walking past he gently set a hand on Clark's right cheek, pushing slightly so his face faced to the left of him (Where Bruce was), Clark instinctively tilted his head down ever so slightly. Bruce tilted his head up and leaned forward, connecting his and Clark's lips together in a short, sweet kiss, before removing his lips from his and walking past him to get to the bar.

To say most members were shocked would be an understatement. Half of them didn't even understand why Bruce kissed some random dude at a bar, the other half realizing that the billionaire himself was Batman. 

"Wow" Diana said then let out a soft laugh. "I wasn't excepting a pretty face to under it." She joked.

"I know right? He told me on the way here and I was flabbergasted." Oliver said. 

Barry stared at the table for a solid second before making an O shape with his mouth, realization finally hitting him. "Oh wow. I would've never have guessed." Barry was genuinely surprised. More people slowly caught on, but by the time Bruce came back to the table, standing next to Clark, Hal still hadn't understood why Bruce kissed Clark. What if Batman saw that??

Bruce walked back with two drinks in his hands, one for himself and one for Oliver, which he handed to him when he came over. Bruce slowly sipped his drink.

"Has he figured it out yet?" He whispered. Clark knew he was talking to him; he leaned a little closer to Bruce so he could hear him whisper back "no, not yet". Bruce hummed in reply.

"This right here," Bruce began, as he looked at Hal, making it clear he was talking to him. "Is why I call you a moron." He took another drink of his drink.

"You don't call me a moron? Only a coll-" Hal cut himself off, going silent with wide eyes. "No way. No fucking way." Hal sounded like he saw a ghost. "I used to like you! I said you had a nice butt before!" Hal sounded devastated with a mix of disgust. Bruce had a small smirk on his face. He was enjoying watching Hal suffer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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