01. Sunshine

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You know when they say she has  a perfect sunshine girl personality, well she is cute, pretty, sweet, caring, beautiful, academically smart, extrovert and the perfect blue eyed blondie. Well Annalise was one of those sunshine girls, She checked all the boxes of the sunshine girl list, except one. Extrovert, where most sunshine personality girls are extrovert Annalise was a huge introvert. The reason of her being an extrovert was her past trauma. Anna suffered from severe anxiety and depression in the past, she slowly overcame her depression but not her anxiety. 

About her family, well you can say her parents are not around anymore she lives with her Grandmother in her mansion. Anna's parents had a really successful business, Her father had a successful trading company and her mother had a successful clothing brand. you know when people are successful they have a lot of enemies . Same was the case with Anna's parents they had a lot of people after their business including Anna's father's younger brother.  Anna was just 13 when her parents died. Anna was with her mom in the living room when some people attacked their house and shot her Dad right Infront of her and her Mom.  they came foe Anna but her mom came Infront of her and those men shot her twice and left taking some valuable's from their house . Anna stood their crying and both of her parents died Infront of her eyes. 
She ran outside to get help only to see her uncle getting in the car with his men, she knew right there and then that her uncle had killed both of her parents. Later Annalise was taken to her Grandmother's house. Her grandmother loved Annalise more then anything and disowned her uncle because now he was after Annalise's will, which was that she would inherit all her parents money and their business once she turned 18.

Her grandmother hired personal body guards for Annalise so her uncle wouldn't harm her.
right next to Anna's house lived The Mendez Family..  the family was equally rich as Anna's grandma, they owned multiple restaurant chains. they had 2 kids Rezi and Kai they were both twins. Rezi and Anna immediately became bestfriends. for kai u can say he is just a side  character. Ignoring the fact that he had a hugeeeee crush on Annalise.

Annalise was a very calm soul and Rezi on the other hand was a complete devil. she would always be getting in trouble and would always drag Anna with her in everything. Anna preferred reading books and listening to music, Rezi wanted to party all night and was a complete daredevil.

Anna : are you stupid Rezi ?? were gonna get in so much trouble for this !?
Rezi : Relaxxx Sunshine, we won't get in trouble... I promise.
Anna : oh yeah ! that's what you said last time while putting  red paint on Ms. Lia's seat and all her white skirt was ruined !?
Rezi : Bruhhhh, she deserved thattt,  that's what she should have gotten for giving me C on my assignment last time !? I worked my butt off on that essay, still she didn't like it ?!?
Anna :Yeah well I agree that your essay was good, buy yk her nature !
Rezi : Yeah well idgaf about her so called "Nature", even Dad was mad at her for failing me, because he knows when I work hard.
Anna : AUGHHH, it's no use to stop you,  I'm outta here.
Rezi :  wait ! Anna  stopppp !!!
(Rezi pulled anna and she fell hard twisting her ankle)
Anna : Ahhhhhhh !! Rezi !! you son of a bi.....nutcracker !
Rezi : ohhh , Anna I'm so sorryyyy ! oh no, here comes Ms. Lia,  runnnnn !!
Anna : help me up !
(they both ran outside the class before the teacher came Anna twisted her ankle, so Rezi told Kai to carry her to the car)
Rezi : OK fine, how's your foot ? yk what Kai take us to the hospital, we need to get her ankle checked.
Kai : umm.. Ok.
 they came back from the hospital, Anna had a minor fracture which would heal in a few days.
Anna, Rezi and Kai would graduate from university next week, The girls planned a trip to Turkey after graduation. what they didn't know that this whole trip would change their lives....

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