𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐯𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬 (𝟑/𝟑)

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a/n: last one! took me some time because i had no idea what to write lmao, but here we are :)

Natasha and you get ready for bed, then you go to your room. You're trying to push your thoughts — crib, onesie, baby — aside and focus on things that are happening now instead of years into the future. Your very own apartment, the fact it's just the two of you, alone.

You get into bed, feeling the freshly washed linen sheets against your bare legs. Natasha joins you under the covers, the warmth of your bodies mixing and creating a sense of intimacy that's been familiar for years now. She cuddles into you, her forehead leaning against your shoulder.

"Admit it, you'd miss me too much if I slept on the couch tonight."

You roll your eyes, unable to suppress a smirk. "Okay, fine. That's true. But I'll put a wall of pillows between us if you start kicking again."

Her smile falters slightly as she looks up, her eyebrows raised. "A pillow wall? Really? That's a bit much, don't you think?"

"Hey, my back hurts already from carrying all the stupid boxes. No need for you to kick me bruised again."

Natasha sighs, looking at you. Her tendency to kick in her sleep can be irritating, and she doesn't even blame you for wanting to protect yourself from earning more bruises. Still, the thought of being physically separated from you seems almost unbearable, even if it's only by a few pillows. "I'll try to be careful, I promise. No more kicking."

You keep the serious facade up for a moment, then your deadpan look gives way to a small grin. You nudge her, a sense of pride creeping up in you. "You fell for it."

It clicks that you were just messing with her, and she huffs as she drops back into the mattress again. "Fuck you."

You laugh as you watch the mildly indignant look on her face, then you can't help but lean in and press a quick kiss to her cheek. "You were so worried about that stupid pillow wall."

Natasha leans away from your kiss, shooting you a glare. The fact that she fell for your trap only proves how low her guard is around you, how she doesn't feel the need to question everything you say or analyze every micro expression of yours. "I thought you were being serious!"

"Please." You roll your eyes affectionately, your hand moving to run under her shirt and rest on her waist. "I don't like the kicking, but I've had worse than your tiny feet aiming at my ribs."

She huffs, pushing your hand away at that comment. "They're not 'tiny', asshole. They're average."

"No." You grin, watching her stare at you with a slightly indignant look on her face. You reach out to pinch her bottom lip, causing her to swat at your hand. "They're itty-bitty, just like the rest of you."

"I'm average height", she retorts, grasping your wrist to keep your hand in place.

"Average height for a minion, maybe." You lean in, grinning, and have to try your hardest not to giggle. "Steal the moon for me?"

At this point, even Natasha can't stop her lips from twitching into a small smile. She rolls her eyes, playfully digging her fingernails into your skin and eliciting a low, amused gasp from you. "Don't make me divorce you."

You laugh quietly, knowing you've won this round. The way her eyes gleam in the soft glow of the nightlight, the way she's suppressing the smile that's threatening to appear on her face — it's all so familiar, and it makes you fall head over heels over and over again. You allow her to hold onto your wrist as you lean in, pressing your lips to hers. You can feel her smile against your mouth, causing your heart to flutter achingly.

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