~How it goes~

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***Check my message board for updates on chapters and other stuff like that.***

So you may or may not recognize some of the imagines in this series. They come from my former account and my former imagine series, only now they are lengthened and revised. The cover for this series was used for the last one before I chose to unpublish the series in mid-2021. I want to start over completely, with no followers or anything. I haven't written since I decided to take this down many years ago, so I might need an adjustment period. This series is just casual writing for me, something I do when I'm bored and with nothing better to occupy my time with. If you came here expecting Shakespearian writing, you'll be sorely disappointed. Not much effort is put into this.

Requests are open. Comments or by dm if you're too shy to comment publicly :)


If you don't want to make a personal request, you could vote on the chapter with the character you would like to see more of. This allows me to know which characters to write for and it also helps me gain exposure through the algorithm.

Chapters will be labeled with an (F), (A), (S), or (P)

F for fluff

A for angst

P for platonic

S for smut

This is to help navigate the chapters more easily so you can find what interests you.

All will be x reader, Including requests

Characters I've wrote about so far;

Arya Stark
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Sandor Clegane
Theon Greyjoy
Tyrion Lannister

Characters coming soon;

Sansa, Ros, Ramsay,

I will be doing a lot of Arya, Robb, and Theon cause they're my favorites. On the other hand, if you want something like readerxJoffery, you're probably gonna have to request it. I might open an email for anon requests eventually.

I'll take requests for any character no matter how minor they are to the plot, I swear to god I will find away. Though I do have limits, such as but not limited to; no requesting smut for underage characters, no SA or Noncon, and no weird torture porn. This is not a 'dead dove do not eat' series, if you want that you can go to Ao3 or Tumblr. I am comfortable with writing about uncomfortable things, but I do not like exploitive writing. Things such as rape and torture should be handled tastefully and with caution, something I think GoT and ASoIaF tend to lack.

Game of Thrones Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now