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Alpha's artistic expression gained recognition, but fate had other plans. Ovika, a girl obsessed with him, tried to make sexual advances, despite his clear rejection. But Sugarcup's timely intervention saved him from the uncomfortable situation.

Two days later, tragedy struck. Ovika was involved in a fatal truck accident, a stark reminder of life's fragility. Alpha's priorities shifted, and he clung to Sugarcup and his art for solace. He realized that life was precious, and every moment counted.

Sugarcup's mom, however, saw Alpha's text on her daughter's phone and concocted a plan to drive them apart. She spun lie after lie, trying to tarnish Alpha's reputation and manipulate Sugarcup into distancing herself from him. She claimed Alpha was cheating on Sugarcup, that he was using her for his artistic gain, and that he was a bad influence on her daughter.

But Sugarcup's trust in Alpha was unshakeable. She saw through her mom's deceit and stood firm in her love for him. Alpha, too, remained committed, and together they weathered the storm. They knew that their love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle.

As they navigated the challenges, Alpha's art became a reflection of his journey. His brushstrokes bold and expressive, he painted the canvas of life with vibrant colors, a testament to the power of love and creativity. He poured his emotions into his art, using it as a catharsis to process the turmoil around him.

The fate of the brush was intertwined with Alpha's destiny, a symbol of his passion and resilience. And as he painted, he knew that no matter what life threw his way, his art and love for Sugarcup would always be his guiding light.

Sugarcup's support was unwavering, and she encouraged Alpha to keep pursuing his passion. Together, they explored the city's art scene, attending exhibitions and workshops. Alpha's talent flourished, and his art gained recognition in local galleries.

But Sugarcup's mom refused to give up. She continued to spread lies about Alpha, trying to ruin his reputation and drive a wedge between him and Sugarcup. She even went as far as to accuse Alpha of stealing her daughter's ideas and passing them off as his own.

The tension between Sugarcup's mom and Alpha came to a head at a school event. Alpha's artwork was on display, and Sugarcup's mom publicly accused him of plagiarism. But Sugarcup stood up for Alpha, defending his integrity and creativity. She revealed her mom's lies and manipulation, and the truth finally came to light.

The incident only strengthened Alpha and Sugarcup's bond. They realized that their love was unbreakable, and that they could overcome any obstacle as long as they had each other. Alpha's art continued to thrive, a testament to the power of love and creativity.

But as Alpha walked alone in the darkness, he felt overwhelmed by the weight of the world. His phone was stolen, and his devices weren't working properly. He was cut off from Sugarcup, unable to reach out to her. The silence was deafening.

And in that moment, Alpha broke down. He cried and screamed, "I can't bear more!" But his voice was lost in the void, unheard by anyone. The darkness closed in around him, a foreshadowing of the challenges to come.

To be continued in Chapter 4...

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