What if... ~Prologue~

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My name is Tania and i live in Paris, right next to Eiffel tower. I'm 16.

My parents are dead so i live with my uncle Peter and aunt Sonia. They aren't really my family, they were my parents's close friends. I'm actually from London. My parents died in a plane crash...

There's a reason why I'm in Paris and not in London where I should be. I needed to go far away from England when my parents died. There were some bad people who wanted to hurt me.

So I'm going here to school and lets say I'm not popular... Everybody hates me actually but I'm ok with it. I hate them too. My only familly is my cousin Teuta, she travels a lot so i don't know where is she right now but she sends e-mails now and then.

As I live far away from school I need to travel by subway . I just love subway, it's my shelter. This is where I run when something bad happens. I have made so many friends here.

One day after school when I traveled home train was full so I had to stand. There was nothing to hold on so I was just standing there hoping that train chief will go easy on the brakes.

At one point something exploded and I flew away along with other passengers. My good luck brought me the pier - in the face. And then someone turned all the lights off. The last thing I saw before I faint was a face that i have never seen before.

It made me smile... and then darkness overcome me...

But there is a catch.

I'm a mutant, I think. Nobody knows what I am except my cousin. I can survive anything... And I'm not just saying that, I can literally survive everything... Once, back in London, I fell from water tower as high as 30 meters and I survived without a scratch.

If I cut of my hand it would grow back in minutes. It's amazing... At least it was. Now it's a curse with whom I'm not sure I can live with.

But, on a bright side, my power saved me from death. I woke up a few minutes after I hit my head.

The chaos, it was everywhere. From dust cloud I couldn't see a thing but I could hear screams. Just like in the horror movies blood was all around me.

Oh my God! I need to save them if there is anyone to be saved. It like I'm in twilight zone. All around me are just dead people.

And I can't save them...

Do you know the feeling when you are

alone with hundreds and hundreds of people and you are only one alive?

I hope you don't.

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