Chapter 4 - Protecting The Angel

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Hey guys! :)

First of all: Thank you sooooo much for all the reads and positive feedback! I'm glad my story slowly gets more and more views!


I know how it's been taking me ages to write new chapters lately and teh bad ending hasn't even started yet. It's because I just finished the VERY final exams.

Now I finally have more time to write, but lately I'm also working on my "original stories", which I have been working on eversince I was a young teen.

Lately I've been publishing that story too and my mind wanders of to this story more than to "Killshot". So if you're interested into it, I would very much apprechiate if you could give it a try :)

It's called "Prophecy - The Beginnings" and it's a Fantasy-Science Fiction- Mixture. 

Anyways, that's all! Have fun reading along!


TW!!: Violence, alcohol, (PTSD)!!

THE ART IS NOT MINE!! All credits to the creator!!

(Also sorry for spelling mistakes, that might occur as I didn't re-read yet!!)


It had been four weeks since we managed to run off together and I slowly started to believe that the Police either gave up on finding us, or they simply weren't able to. Even though we left the house almost everyday, not a single person- or police officer- suspected us.

That's why we decided to go on a date, to finally bring back some normality into our messed-up lives...

Louis seemed very nervous when we steppet into the bar, as was I. We didn't know how the people here would react to us being partners. Back in New Orleans we could always go to Mimzys bar, it was a safespace for us. But here no one knew us and the majority of people still didn't accept homosexuality or homoromanticism.

We had entered the bar and sat down at a table, waiting for a bartender to come up to us to take our order. I took the chance to scan our surroundings; it was a rather modern bar, the light was way brigther than in Mimzys bar, which made me slightly uncomfortable. 

Mimzy had always kown about my murders and stuff, so she usually kept the lights down, as she knew how I always suffered from intense paranoia. 

Louis snapped me back into the moment: "You look worried. Are we in danger?" I shook my head and answered: "No, I just wanted to take a closer look at our surroundings. I'm still very paranoid...". Louis chuckled, then sighed: "Yeah, me too. I'm still afraid I'll meet m ydad- or mom." 

I gently touched his hands and leanded in closer, almost whispering: "It's alright, darling. I'm here for you. If he really were to be here, I would not hesitate to protect you." Louis smiled softly, relaxing a bit: "Thank you, t'aime-", he jumped when a waiter suddenly appeared next to us:

"Hello gentlemen! What can I do for you this wonderful evening?", he chimed with a kinda forced smile. Louis lowered his gaze in embarrassment, so I answered for us: "We would like some liquors. Do you happen to have some Brandy?" The waiter answered, still smiling: "Well of course we do have! Woudl you like it pure or as a mixed drink?"

"A mixed drink...perhaps a "Sazerac"?", the waiter made a surprised expression, then asked: "Are you from New Orleans?" I felt myself get cold suddenly, Louis started straight into my soul. "No", I answered and laughed nervously, "But I am Creole, this is just a commonly known drink amongs my people!~"

KILLSHOT - Good ending! (Part 2) - Radioapple human AUWhere stories live. Discover now