"creepy, but cute"

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-Every night I wake up with the same feeling as if someone is watching me, but I never manage to see from which angle I'm being watched because my gaze always stops at that one point on the window.

He is always there. Always watching me in the shadow of night ...

Tonight the moon was shining right above the city, lights were turned on because today was the day without light.

I wake up, again at the same time as always. I heard a soft knock on the window, it was him. The light from the moon showed me his face Our gazes met together, and I just sat on the bed unsure if I should ignore or come to him.

It felt like an eternity as I watched him from afar. Summoning my courage, I approached and opened the window. He didn't utter a word, just stood there as I ascended to the roof. With two floors in my house, it was common for me to venture to the roof from the lower floor, where it was conveniently positioned in front of my room's window. I sat quietly on the edge, gazing at him with a mix of curiosity and longing.

"You came ... again ?" I ask. I got used to signs of him standing there every night and watching me
"I couldn't help, Liam told me to watch over you " his hoarse voice woke up tingling in my body. His voice always makes something snap in me ... some kind of emotions I never experienced with others... I hate it

Why is it always him who makes me feel like this? I should hate him ... not liking him

He was always there .. in shadow looking at me. I know that Liam told him to watch over me, but isn't it creepy to know that someone is watching you and you know who is it?

"You know, you don't have to watch me .. every night. You can just check on me when you are just passing by"
He chuckled "Yeah, but like this is more fun, seeing you all scared" I looked at him in disbelieve "I wonder how Liam is your best friend" chuckled "I'm sure that Liam didn't think that his best friend would be this creepy" he looked at me and smiled "What can I say, I have my ways"-

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