Chapter 1:Unsettling Encounter

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Ignore the mistakes, please!

Harry is a 28-year-old man with a tall stature, piercing blue eyes, and a hint of muscle defining his frame. His sharp jawline adds to his rugged appearance, complemented by veiny hands that hint at hidden strength. He prefers a sleek style, often seen in black jeans, a white shirt, and short boots.

Despite his quiet demeanor, Harry exudes an air of wisdom and strength, making him an enigmatic figure amongst those who know him. Living a solitary life, Harry is selective about his company, valuing intimacy with a chosen few while maintaining a mysterious allure to those around him.

Harry had lived in his quaint suburban neighborhood for years, finding solace in the familiar routine of his daily life. He was a reserved man, content in his solitude, until the arrival of his new neighbors stirred a sense of curiosity within him.

He was talking with his friend on phone about his random things . he was happily chatting because it's been a while since he met his dearest friend,his friend was outside of the country for business purposes , they were talking about for God knows how many hours. He missed him so much. They were close and inseparable since childhood, so it's unbearable being away from him for so long.But he couldn't do anything. He was so immersed on chatting with his friend, so he didn't notice a figure which is coming out from the dark alley.

At the moment he rose his head he looked something like a shadow movement. But he shrugged it off thinking maybe it's a cat or something.

"okay. Bye.... We will talk later, Goodnight! " he said to  his friend and hung up the phone.then he put the phone on his pocket, and sip his coffee. Then his adverts his eyes to his new neighbors house. All the house lights were off "strange!" he mumbled underneath. At the mention of his new neighbor
She is so strange?.. Well. She is!

He couldn't shake the feeling off... The feeling of uneasiness is growing up day by day. He just couldn't figure out what.. His gut told him that  something is not right. She sigh and took a sip of coffee.

Now, he is standing with a coffee cup in his hand and looking outside the windows from his living room,thinking deeply... But suddenly he come out of his trance, when he saw a figure.. A.. Girl?. Something is not right. The shadow is nearing his house. His heart rate races.... He carefully watched what going on... With a slightly shaky hand he looked away for a moment to place the coffee cup on the nearest table..

When he looked at the alley again there was no one.. How?....again he starts to look towards the dark alley with frown. He narrowed his eyes in order to look better in the darkness. And he saw something like.... someone?.

In the moonlit shadows of an alley, A strange girl emerged like a specter, her presence sending a shiver down his spine. With each step she took, the air grew colder, the darkness deeper, as if nature itself recoiled from her. Her form, a twisted silhouette against the flickering streetlight, seemed to defy logic—short and slim, yet exuding a chilling aura of power.

Blonde locks tumbled like tendrils of mist around her pale face, framing eyes as blue as frozen rivers, gleaming with a malevolent light. As she neared, a sinister smirk played upon her lips, a cruel mockery of a smile that sent a jolt of fear through him.

The girl's gait was unhurried, deliberate, each footfall echoing like a death knell in the silent night. She moved as though she owned not just the alley, but the very essence of fear itself.

And those eyes, those unnerving blue eyes, bore into his soul with a predatory intensity, stripping away his defenses and laying bare his deepest terrors. In that moment, he knew with a dread certainty that she is not a normal person... She is strange!... She's looks the horror character of movies.

As she drew closer, a sense of impending doom gripped him, a realization that he was about to face a horror unlike anything he had ever known. The girl's presence was a harbinger of nightmares, a dark omen heralding his descent into a realm of terror from which there would be no escape.

And then, it hits him... He knows that girl... He carefully looked her..... And gulps......... She was non other than his new neighbor..... Lily?

The strange girl ,his new neighbor, Lily... the enigmatic new addition to the neighborhood, moved into the house next to Harry's one stormy evening. As Harry watched from his window, he noticed the moving truck pull up, and a striking figure emerged from it. Lily had an air of mystique about her, with her dark, flowing hair and piercing green eyes that seemed to hold secrets untold.

From the moment Lily set foot in the neighborhood, Harry couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled over him. There was something off about her, something that didn't quite align with the friendly demeanor she displayed to the other neighbors. Her smiles seemed forced, her gestures rehearsed.

As she opened the door and got into her house
Harry quickly closed the curtains and walked to his bathroom with full of questions, confusions and uneasiness. He took a deep breath and looked at himself from the bathroom mirror... He couldn't shake off the images of her. That was so weird and at the same time scary..... Yeah! He was really scared for a moment..her aura was just screaming danger and danger.

He shook his head, maybe he is just overthinking.. Yeah!that must be. While he washing his hands, he glanced  towards the mirror, and washed his face. He was already on his night clothes so, he just got into his bed and lay down on the comfy bed, and after a bit struggle he eyes finally closed.

Woah.. Heyo guys...

This is the first chapter. It's a bit longer?..... I hope you like it!

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Next chapter coming soon!

1025 words

          ~ To be continue ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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