002: Where the cops?

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"I think you killed them." Kotoha uttered out, the bone-chilling aura that surrounded Lev dispersed, as he turned to Kotoha in shock. "No, I didn't!" Lev defended himself.

"But I heard bones cracking when you kicked and punch them." Kotoha pointed out with a deadpanded face. It was rather unnerving of how quick Lev changes demeanor.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine.. besides, I made sure to hold back." Lev responded like that would make any difference. "And he threatened Sakura with a knife near your throat. They deserve it." Lev said, pointed out as well.

Using people as hostage and pointing a knife on the throat is a line that should never be crossed, holding peoples lives on the line.

Kotoha sighed and nodded her head. Both of their attention went back to Sakura, who is punching and kicking left and right. Heck, he even flew up to send a sharp kick on the jaw.

"Look at him go, here you go." Lev grabbed a nunchaku from his bag and gave it to Kotoha, who stared at the weapon bewildered.

"Use this when the bastards are coming towards you!" Lev explained.

"What?! I don't even know how to use this thing!" Kotoha exclaimed. "And how did this thing fit inside that small sling bag?!?"

"Secret." Lev playfully smirked. "Just swing it at them, and shout mine or Sakura's name–"

As to while Lev was talking, a guy slipped away from Sakura's wrath and stood up from the ground and ran towards Lev's direction with his fast up ready to strike.

"Behind you!" Both Kotoha and Sakura shouted, but Lev punched him with his back hand without looking before the bastard could strike. The guy stumbled and fell to the ground.

Kotoha and Sakura sighed in relief while Lev began to contimplate his decision.

He wants to join the fight and help Sakura, but Kotoha needed protection. However, Sakura also needed attention. Those guys are too many. Plus, they have knives!

'This is hard'  Lev internally screamed in frustration.

After a short but long thinking process in Lev's tiny brain with two or one brain cells, he decided to stay and protect Kotoha. Since those guys go to him directly and Lev can just knock them unconscious, this could also help Sakura.

"Don't worry, Sakura! I got your back!" Lev shouted with a thumbs up and a tiny tongue sticking out of his lips. Lev's body looked like a protective wall for Kotoha, who was behind him.

'Got my... back?' Sakura blushed furiously again as someone lunged at him, but Sakura quickly sent a strong kick at the side of the guy's face. 'This guy is talking nonsense!'

"You bastard! Get him!" About four guys lunged forward. One had a metal bat, a guy was sending a kick, another sending a punch, and finally, an ugly guy with a broken glass bottle.

Lev smirked and kicked the metal bat away from the guy's hand as Lev quickly grabbed a metal bat and swung it towards the one holding the glass bottle at the head, knocking the guy unconscious While the rest, Lev just smashed their heads with the bat.

"Brutal.." Kotoha muttered out, looking at the four guys unconscious on the floor.

"You think so? I think they— watch out!" Lev threw the metal bat towards Sakura's direction, hitting the head of the guy holding a knife, but unfortunately, the knife managed to sliced against Sakura's ankle "Argh!" Sakura grunts in surprise and pain.

Another guy with a knife is ready to lunge forward at Sakura, Lev ran fast, and it looked like he had just appeared right in front of Sakura. Lev pushed the dual colored boy towards Kotoha's direction. The guy strikes, stabbing Lev at the shoulder area.

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