Chapter 1

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(Under Eden)

5 long years it has been since Mizuki Shiranui the Water Taimanin. The Mother of Mizuki Yukikaze, The Phantom Taimanin. Has been kept here in Yomihara in the dark world. Kept captive in Yomihara's finest Brothel Under Eden.

Kept here against her will. By the Brothers. Real and Yazakai Munechi. Who are allies of the Incubus Faction.

For 5 long years... she has been kept here as a Sex Slave. A prostitute. Forced to have sex with others. 5 years of trying to break her spirit and to degrade her.

So far she kept her resolve... and held onto what hope she has left.

That bastard Yazaki Muneichi he will pay for what he's done...

She needs to return... and reunite with the Taimanins and her daughter... a daughter she hasn't seen in 5 years since her enslavement here.

She must figure a way to break free out of this Hell.

Before she is forced into more lewd acts.

(Office of Real, Under Eden)

"She has not broken yet?" Asked a dark calm voice

"No.. my lord.. even though it's been 5 years since we've kept her here she has not been able to break... both Real and me have tried." Spoke Yazaki Muniechi a corrupt politician and secret ally of the Incubus faction. Besides him is his brother Real. Who is the Brothel owner of Under Eden.

"How disappointing..." the voice spoke in full disappointment

"But! We assure you my lord! Give us more time and she will fully cement to your side!" Says Yazaki Muniechi

"Along with me keeping her as my bitch." Thought Yazaki with a evil grin. He always wanted to keep Mizuki Shiranui as his personal sex slave. It would be a shame if he had to give her up to the incubus king. His master. The fat bastard smiled evilly. Shiranui does have a daughter if he can't keep shiranui he can keep her daughter~.

"Yes my lord give us more-" Real would say until kuroi spoke.

"No." he says making both brothers look taken back by this.

"My lord?" both brothers asked in unison.

"I will come to under eden myself and handle her myself since neither the two of you could break her. And she will be transferred to another facility." Kuroi Ryuji would say making both men wince lightly at this.

"See you two very soon." he adds with his image vanishing

"Damn it." Curses Yazaki

"Such a shame indeed to give her away to our lord and master. Oh well.. Let me prepare for the arrival of the incubus king." Real would say leaving his brother alone.

"Not if i have one more go at her before she goes to his majesty." Yazaki says with a nasty smile.

(With Shiranui)

The Water Taimanin was now being taken into a lab within Under Eden where she is to go through another testing and being experimented on once again with Sexual Drugs.

She was cuffed escorted by two Orc guards who are security.

The scientists would analyze Shiranui, checking her out and such. That was until she would be greeted by the last person she Loathed during her enslavement here. They removed the slave contract seal off her under Real's orders but the person who entered was Yazaki Muneichi

She scowled heavily at the man while scientists are removing the Slave contact seal off her.

"What's going on?" she asked facing Yazaki.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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