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Private chat between Bang Chan and Jia

Don't leave me here waiting like a fool
I'm begging you, can you at least answer?
Even just "I'm okay" but text me something
i'm worried and you know how anxious i can become when i'm worried abt you
i'm sorry
Please text me back asap

^Left on read

~The next day~

Good morning Jia
i hope you slept well
i didn't because i was worried abt u.
c'mon just text me back, it's not that difficult yk
you're doing it in purpose?
you want me to feel guilty right?
Well good news: I AM
i'm guilty as fuck
is it what you wanted?
now text me back please
at least let me explain

Chan i just needed time to think
i just slept on it
you don't need to feel guilty

U finally texted me
i was about to take the fist plane to Australia
and kick your little ass

Shut up channie

But i'm relived you texted me back
i was afraid you were angry at me
you're not angry, right?...

just a bit disappointed
why didn't you tell me you're an idol?
Instead you told me you're a singer and dancer, but that's not the same
and you know it too.

Okay i'm sorry
At that time i was so afraid
I left my home to be a trainee at JYPE
not even knowing if i could have make it
I told u i was going to be a singer and producer cause that was the easiest thing to say
that would have been less awkward if i didn't make it, y'know what i mean?
and plus, i didn't want my best friend to think that my dream was stupid, so i kinda made it more "basic" to not make you laugh at me

Chan i would have never laughed at you
especially not for your dreams
There's nothing wrong with having big dreams and
it wouldn't have been awkward if u didn't make it

i'm sorry
i was just nervous back then
and losing you was the last thing that i wanted
i didn't want you to look at me with different eyes

Chan i would have never done that to you
you my best friend, no matter what
you can be whoever and do whatever you want
but you'll be important to me forever.
remember it, okay?

Thank you Jia, you're the best friend i could have
you're so precious
i'll always love you unconditionally forever
i'm happy to hear u saying all those sweet things
it means a lot to me <3

YOU mean a lot to me ❤️

you mean a lot for me too ❤️
i've been a fool thinking you would have judged me or looked at me in a different way
i'm so glad you're not angry god this
from now on i'll tell you everything, i swear!
without being afraid of losing you
Please, do the same with me <3

I'm glad to hear it
never be afraid of loosing me because you won't
i'll always be by your side

Love ya 😭❤️

Love you too channie ❤️❤️


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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