Lost but Hoping to be Found

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Chat Noir flew through the open window into his room, landing silently. His transformation dropped instantly as he fell to his knees, his legs no longer able to hold him. The waves of anxiety, stress, and heartbreak were too much for him, as he succumbed to despair.

Trails of tears poured from his eyes. His breathing, rapid and shallow, caused him to feel light headed. The overpowering sorrow encapsulated him in a vortex of emotion that he could no longer stomach, retching and shuttering as he lay himself on the ground, curled into a ball to make himself smaller. The idea that the smaller he could become, the hope that the pain could no longer reach him.

Plagg floated above his chosen, watching as he broke down in the middle of his massive, lonely bedroom. He had experienced other holders' hurt and pain, but Adrien was special to him. He was the kitten that needed him the most. The kitten that was only a child when he was given the power of destruction. He was the kitten that fought his own father, lost his mother, and was hurt by the woman he loved.

Plagg was the first to say he didn't understand human love. He couldn't make sense of it, but he could equate it to his desire, need, dare he say... love, for his precious camembert. The idea that he could no longer have the delicacy made his stomach churn. It was be a fate unlike any other. He had lived centuries, he knew the feeling. He knew what it was like to live off of cheddar and it was horrible. Thinking now about how he felt all those years living camembert-less, he knew he had to help his chosen. He needed to do something, but for now he would let him feel. He would let him process without incessant disruption. He would just be there until he was ready to talk.

Flying over to Adrien who was still curled into a fetal pose on the floor, he settled silently into his hair. The boy lightly twitched at the feel of his kwami as Plagg immediately began to purr in hopes to help him through his turmoil, until both of them fell into fitful slumbers.

The sun rose above the horizon, fluttering waves of light through the still open window of Adrien's room. The subtle warmth and luminescence pulled the young man from his light sleep. His eyes fluttered to prepare for the onslaught of brightness, as he pushed himself from the floor. Every muscle hurt. His head was pounding from the intensity of emotion, pain, and from crying. Letting out on last heavy sob, the blonde's body finally released the last of the tension it held.

Scooting across the floor, he lay his back against the foot of his bed. The snoozing cat kwami yawned and stretched at the movement, before lifting himself into the air.

"Kitten, how are you feeling," the nasally voice of Plagg asked, causing Adrien to flinch at the sound.

"Ugh... my head. Plagg, can you go grab some pain killers, please?"

Without question, Plagg flew away to the bathroom to gather the bottle and a small cup of water, dropping off each individually due to his small size. Adrien placed two pills in his palm and collected the water cup, downing both in hopes to remedy at least his physical pain.

"Thanks, Plagg."

"Anything for you, Kitten."

Plagg nestled into the blonde's cheek hoping to show his support and care. Adrien's hand coming up to hold the kwami there for a moment to return the affection.

It wasn't long before his headache and pain from sleeping curled in a ball on the hardwood floor began to dissipate and Adrien found himself moving to find a more comfortable place to think.

Picking himself up he moved into the livingroom of his apartment, sitting down on the couch and sinking in with a sigh.


"Yeah, kid?"

"You knew didn't you? You knew Marinette was Ladybug, that she was my lady all along?"

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